How do mirages work?

What are mirages and why does this optical phenomenon cause us to see reality differently? Mirages have a reputation for deceit. The classic example is...

How do Dolphins Sleep

Dolphins Sleep. The ancestors of cetaceans (like those of dolphins) were mammals that evolved on Earth. Some 55 million years ago, these animals returned to aquatic...

How To Cleanse Your Aura (& When You Should), According To...

While we may not be able to see people's auras, or our own for that matter, many people have an intuitive sense of when...

How to Recycle: A Quick Guide to Recycling Symbols

How to Recycle Whenever you are about to throw an item in the trash bin, you should look at the recycling symbols first and consider...

You’re Not So Different From an Octopus: Rethinking Our Relationship to...

By Leslie Crawford Remember back when we were all tubes? Sy Montgomery does. That was a simpler time, eons before the octopus and Homo sapiens went...

How Switching to a Pescatarian Diet Benefits the Planet

The plant-based diet is on the rise. We see various vegan options at our favorite coffee shops, grocery stores and even fast-food restaurants. If...

How to Jump Timelines: Mastering Quantum Reality

The quantum field is a wild beast that perplexes even the most astute minds. It seems to fluctuate back and forth between freewill and...
Science Study Finds A Link Between Diet Drinks and Strokes That Cause Dementia

Science Study Finds A Link Between Diet Drinks and Strokes That...

So you believed you would certainly live life to the max as well as minimize your sugar intake to zero by changing to diet...

Bats can use ‘vocal learning’ to change their tune

Humans learn to speak by mimicking speech sounds. Are there other mammals who can learn sounds by imitation? In an experimental study, researchers from...

Physicist Believes Parallel Universes Exist And That We May Soon Explore Them

Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll believes that parallel universes exist, and says that humans may be able to travel between them fairly soon. Carroll first...