Top Ways To Boost Your Psychic Powers

Top Ways To Boost Your Psychic Powers

What’s the benefit of developing your sixth sense? Tuning in to the voice of your own soul and becoming more receptive to guidance from...

7 Ways to Discover Peace In A Crazy World

As life goes on, many of us just want to discover our peace in this crazy world. We look around at all the misfortune...

Why You’re Ready For A Relationship When You Stop Looking For...

When we get older, the feeling of having a partner becomes more and more urgent. Aside from societal pressures, we feel the urge inside...

Want To Be Able To Read People? Try These 9 Tips...

Everything from facial movements to voice pitch to body positioning can help tell a story. To help us decipher those micro-expressions, we spoke with...
freelancer working

How To Achieve Work-Life Balance As A Freelancer

Work-life balance is a pressing concern for all professionals as achieving it is a mission in itself. Freelancers are in an even more daunting...
teenager lie

When Your Teenager Can’t Stop Lying: What to Do

Teenagers lie. It’s not unusual to hear that your child has been up to no good, only to find out later that it wasn’t...

5 Ways to Calm Down When You Don’t Know Why You’re...

You feel the familiar anxious sensation creeping in on you. You don’t know what causes it, but you need to calm down–and fast! First of...

5 Reasons to Embrace the Body You Have

I will never forget the wife who told me that she dressed in her closet rather than let her husband see her body. I...

20 Body Positive Quotes to Help You Accept Yourself As Is

It can be hard to accept yourself as is, but you can make it happen with a little help from body-positive quotes. With self-acceptance,...

Psychology Reveals the Causes of Claustrophobia

The dictionary defines claustrophobia as having an extreme or irrational fear when it comes to confined spaces. 2019 statistics estimate that this particular phobia impacts...