Transforming Self-Comparison

Eda Ocak reflects on how meditation practice and the Buddha’s message of no-self transformed her habit of self-comparison. When I attended my first long meditation...

What Miscarriage Taught Me About Love and Impermanence

Atia Sattar shares her account of the suffering of miscarriage and what it taught her about love, generosity, and impermanence. I am standing on the...

You Are Already Dying

The most profound meditation, says Joan Halifax, is contemplating the certainty of your own death.  How many people who will die today even know that...

Happiness in Every Breath

When we stop feeding our cravings, says Thich Nhat Hanh, we discover that we already have everything we need to be happy. The human mind...

The Uneasy Dialogue between Buddhism and Feminism

Jue Liang reviews Buddhist Feminisms and Femininities, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. “Spy Story,” 2015 by Michela Martello. One summer night in 2018, I found myself...

The 12 Laws Of Karma: What Are They & Why Do...

If you've ever heard the expressions, "What goes around comes around," or "You reap what you sow," you already know a little something about...

Dharma for a Traumatized World

The cause of our global suffering is forgetting that we belong to one another and to the earth. Tara Brach recommends four practices to...

Your Favorite Meditation of the Year

Tonglen meditation, or “sending and taking,” is an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion. With each in-breath, we take in others’ pain. With each...

Is yoga a religion?

Many people take up yoga to boost their flexibility, but is yoga a religion? Watch a yoga class and chances are by the end of...

Discover the Joy of Doing Nothing

Zen teacher Pat Enkyo O’Hara teaches us the practice of Shikantaza. Doing nothing but sitting and breathing, we rest in flowing awareness beyond the...