Does the Product You Use for Pest Control Harm the Environment? Consider These 5 Eco-friendly Methods


Some pest infestations can be very harmful to your health and property. In the quest to control them, most people end up using harmful pesticides and other products that kill the pest and poisons the environment. Harming the environment has a tremendous negative impact on your life too. That is why you should consider using organic pest control methods that are generally less environmentally damaging and nontoxic to non-targeted aquatic life, mammals, and insects. There are many natural control methods that you can consider and that are the least toxic to your home and garden. If you prepare well and use the best cultural practices, you can control the pest without surpassing these measures. This article will explore eco-friendly methods to use during pest control.

Ensure Your Garden Has Pest Control Plants

When you have a harmful pest infestation in your home, you must consider creating a hospitable growing environment for pest control plants. A healthy garden is one of the most effective ways to control pests as they are often less attracted to it. These non-spray methods ensure the beneficial insect thrives with the harmful problems taken care of. Some of the plants you need to consider include rosemary, lavender, basil, and mint. These Plants help to keep pests away, and the herbs can also help to control the pest indoors. The herbs are often considered the companion plants used in vegetable gardens to attract beneficial insects and deter pests. If you don’t want companion plants but still want to control pests, you can consider using chrysanthemums, lemongrass, clover, eucalyptus, marigolds, or lavender.

Consider Hiring a Pest Control Company

When they hear about a pest control company, they often associate them with harmful pesticides that harm the environment. The truth is that requesting Pest control services for homes and businesses helps you get experienced and reputable professionals that will improvise in eco-friendly ways. They can use traps that cannot harm the environment and know how to target harmful insects while pairing them with beneficial ones. Additionally, they will guide you on what you need to do to keep pests away and make your home less attractive to pests.

Season Your Window Sills

When making your food, consider using seasoning products that make your food taste better but irritate insects and bugs. You need to consider products including cayenne, salt, black pepper, paprika, cinnamon, and turmeric. You can consider sprinkling some of the seasonings in a line along the window sill. This will discourage pests from infesting your home. Further, consider putting cinnamon bay leaves and cloves in your cupboards, bookshelves, and closets where pests are often found.

Clean with vinegar and Essential Oils

One of the best ways to keep pests away is the cleaning and ensuring no clutter in the house. When cleaning, some people use chemicals that are often harmful to the environment and their pet’s health. You need to consider cleaning with natural products when caring for your environment. One of the natural products to consider is vinegar which you need to make the correct measurement to be effective. The best measure is to use half a cup of vinegar for 2 cups of water. Incorporate this by adding at least 15 drops of essential oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint. Further, for a heartier spray, you can consider the straight-up solution of two parts distilled vinegar and one part coconut oil.
You can consider adding citrus peels to a jar, cover with vinegar, and letting them stay for some weeks when you don’t have essential oils. Afterward, take the solution out and add some water. Use this solution for DIY cleaner and bug repellent. The vinegar helps remove food remnants, and the smell is not attractive to bugs; hence they won’t stay long.

Use Food Waste to Turn Pests Away

Most people often throw their food remnants away or around the compound, which can end up encouraging more pests. You can use this food remnant, such as lime, orange, and lemon peels, to create a citrus cleaning spray that helps act as an insecticide. Further, you can cut the peels and add them directly to your garden to help fertilize your plants. Another trick is placing the citrus peels on counters, window sills, and closets to keep the pest away.
To keep mosquitos away, use a leftover onion, place them in water, and leave it. Additionally, you can brew ground coffee; its smell will drive away many pests, such as ants, wasps, bees, and mosquitoes.

End Note!

The above are crucial ways to consider care for the environment and ensure your control of the pest. Always use eco-friendly products and consult a reputable pest control professional on methods you can incorporate.



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