7 Beauty Benefits Of Castor Oil For Eyes You Need To Know About

Castor Oil For Eyes


Castor oil comes from the castor plant (Ricinus communis). Castor oil is ancient oil going back to Biblical times. Read Jonah 4:6-7. The plant Jonah sat underneath was the castor bean plant. It makes sense that this ancient remedy is still in use today, even despite all the modern medical remedies and advances. In ancient Rome, it was called Palma Christi – it translates into the Hand of Christ, our eternal Healer, who gave us healing plants on earth.

Not Only Beauty But Health Benefits Too

Whether it’s your eyes, eyelids, eyelashes, or eyebrows, castor oil and its benefits for the eyes should never be underrated. Yes, it has beauty benefits, but it has amazing health benefits as well. It has been used through the years as a massage oil for anointing warts, moles, bunions, calluses, and other skin conditions. Cancer of the skin and breast has also benefited from this miraculous oil. Constipation, appendicitis, liver conditions, arthritis, intestinal disorders, toxemia, and colitis are known to benefit from the healing properties of castor oil. When your health benefits from castor oil natural beauty will emanate from your eyes, skin, and body.

When Combined With Essential Oils, It Is A Great Beauty Tonic

When it comes to beauty, well, from our eyes to our brows, to our lashes, castor oil should not be dismissed as a great addition to eye care. And when you add essential oils to castor oil, you get the added benefits of the combination of other natural oils. You are contributing to clear, healthful skin with all the antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.

Be Careful Of How You Apply Castor Oil To Your Eyes

It is essential that when you apply castor oil directly to your eyes, you use products that are made only from the purest, organic ingredients. They must be sterile and hexane-free. Those who have severe eye conditions wear contact lenses or already use other eye drops. You should not use castor oil in their eyes, and also if you experience irritation or redness from using them.

Let’s Look At 7 Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Castor Oil For The Eyes

1. Improves Eyesight

The rich antioxidants in castor oil may help improve vision and reverse cataracts. Just make sure it is 100% pure cold-pressed organic hexane-free castor oil. Castor oil is known to enhance blood circulation in your eyes. It helps to prevent redness and irritation and to improve vision.

2. Helps Eyelashes To Grow

You can achieve effective results if you use castor oil on your eyelashes faithfully every night. Remember, it takes about three to six months for eyelashes to grow back before you see thicker and longer eyelashes. It might take time, but it has been proven to be a natural substitute for chemical-based cosmetic products. All you do is take an eyeliner brush, dip it into your castor oil without excess oil, and apply it carefully to your lashes. Dominic Burg, Ph.D. and hair biologist, says, “The theory is that PGE2 also has a role in hair growth by stimulating hair follicles to enter the growth phase.”

If you want to know what other compounds are in castor oil, see what the Good Health Academy says about castor oil.

Want a sudden change from under-eye firming serum? Here’s one!

3. Coconut and Castor Oil


• A teaspoon of castor oil
• A teaspoon of coconut oil (Coconut oil is the perfect oil for treating any skin problems. It has proved highly effective for treating wrinkles).
• Mix both the ingredients in a bowl.
• Apply the mixture to the entire face and massage it in circular motions until it penetrates your skin completely.
• Let it sit on your face for 30 minutes, and then rinse it off.
• Do this 3 to 4 times a week – such great tips for better beauty sleep.

Here we have a whole lot of recipes that you can add with your castor oil to work those wrinkles and fine lines.

4. Takes Away The Redness In Bloodshot Eyes

Sometimes this condition can be so bad, that you can even see red veins in your eyes. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties in it that can ease bloodshot eyes. All you do is take pure castor oil in a sterilized dropper, dropping one drop in each eye. Repeat 3-4 times a day. After about 15 minutes of keeping your eyes closed, the cloudiness will disappear.

5. TreatsPuffy Eyes

Coming in as one of the best anti-aging eye creams, all you need to do is rub about two drops of castor oil onto your fingertips. Then pat the oil onto the puffy areas of your eyes. Wash it off gently in the morning. If you do this every night, you will notice a difference in a couple of days. Use this soothing solution for sunken eyelids too.

6. Removes Under-Eye Dark Circles

The fatty acids found in castor oil, as we mentioned above, nourish your skin and lighten dark circles under the eyes. Take just a couple of drops of castor oil between your fingers, rubbing it until it has warmed up a bit. Then gently massage the warmed-up fingertips with the oil under your eyes for just a minute. Leave it on overnight, washing it off in the morning. Repeat this for a few days.

7. Thickens Your Eyebrows

The fatty acids and proteins in castor oil may simply nourish the hair follicles, promoting eyebrow growth. That means castor oil will also benefit your head of hair and promote healthy growth. See the wonders of castor oil on hair growth and nourishment of the scalp. Just use a cotton swab that you’ve dipped in some castor oil. Then apply it to your eyebrows. Massage for a couple of minutes and leave it on overnight, washing off in the morning. Try this remedy for about a month.

Key Takeaways

Castor oil has been around since ancient times. Over the years, it has become a medicine-cabinet necessity. It’s not surprising that in these modern times, this elixir, known for its medical and beauty benefits, has grabbed the attention of the beauty industry. After all, Cleopatra was known for using castor oil.

The Queen of the Nile was noted to use it for her hair. It also said that she used it to brighten the whites of her eyes. Today’s companies are calling out the wonders of nature, such as castor oil because they realize that’s what consumers want. Castor oil is no chemical product designed in some labs. Some celebrities use castor oil in their beauty routines.

You get cosmetic companies that retail castor oil mascara promising gloss and unbelievable shine. You get lip-plumping glosses and more. Studies show that most of castor oil’s benefits are from its chemical composition as a triglyceride fatty acid. Almost 90% of its fatty acid content is called ricinoleic acid. Castor Oil is indeed an outstanding beauty aid.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4327996/
[2] https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/7-incredible-castor-oil-benefits-for-beautiful-skin-and-hair-1630059
[3] https://www.verywellhealth.com/using-castor-oil-for-hair-growth-4172190
[4] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/castor-oil
[5] https://www.goodhealthacademy.com/health-benefits/castor-oil-for-eyelashes/
[6] https://www.evolisproducts.com/pages/our-story

Author Bio:

Sophia Anthony is a freelance writer and blogger, covering health and fitness topics through visual representation. She is very passionate about general health and beauty. Apart from work she likes dancing and listening to music. You can also contact her on Facebook, and Instagram.



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