Natural Remedies For Dry Hands


Natural Remedies For Dry Hands. If your hands are dry and rough to the touch, this may be due to external aggression or insufficient hydration. Pretty hands convey a good image to others and participate in seduction. On everythingHow do we give you some tips to repair damaged hands?

Almond oil

Apply almond oil directly on your hands to instantly restore their softness and repair the driest parts. Almond oil has become one of the best beauty products to hydrate the driest skins and nourish them deeply. Pour 10 to 15 drops of almond oil on your hands, rub in, and apply a moisturizer.

Aloe vera and rose hip oil

Here we present you with one of the most effective natural remedies. It combines the incredible hydrating, regenerating, and restorative power of aloe vera with rose hip oil. Mix in a container a little aloe vera gel and a few drops of Rosehip oil and apply this cream on your hands, massaging for a few minutes.

Orange and honey

To regain the suppleness of the skin while moisturizing it, you can also try this natural lotion made from orange and honey. How to prepare it? it is very simple! Squeeze orange and add a spoon of honey to the juice, then apply the mixture on your hands, let stand for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, and finish by applying moisturizing hand cream.

Olive oil and sugar

If your hands look harsh, old, and out, this home remedy is for you. Mix a spoonful of olive oil with a little sugar. You will get a natural scrub that will eliminate impurities while nourishing the skin of the hands. Massage your hands with the scrub for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Your hands will be all sweet!

Milk, potato, and honey

Boil a potato, peel it, and crush it in a bowl with a fork. Then add four spoonfuls of fresh milk, six spoonfuls of honey, and a spoonful of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well until you get a smooth paste, then apply it to your hands. Use this remedy three times a week.

Home remedies against stains on the hands

Our hands are constantly exposed to external aggressions and over time it is common to see some dark spots that give the skin an aged look. Aside from age, excessive exposure to the sun is another major cause of the appearance of these spots, so you should not forget the importance of protecting yourself from UV.

If you want to try some of the natural products that help you strengthen the appearance of your hands and reduce stains, take a look at this article on everything about home remedies for hand stains.

1 -A good remedy for hand stains and success in minimizing their dark color is to prepare a mask made from potato, milk, and honey. To make it, first, peel a potato and cook it in a saucepan filled with water. When it has become soft, crush it in a bowl with a fork, add a spoon of honey and two of fresh milk. Mix all the ingredients until you get an even paste and apply it on the skin of your hands, massaging gently for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water and apply a moisturizer to the hands.

2 -The aloe vera gel, in addition, to being ideal to moisturize the skin and regenerate it, can be a very suitable solution to reduce the stains on the hands, caused by age or by the sun. Apply aloe vera gel directly to your skin, twice a day, upon waking and before going to bed.

3 – Lemon juice is a natural ingredient widely used to lighten the skin and it can be effective in the clarification of the darkest stains on your hands. We propose to make a homemade lotion by mixing the juice of a lemon and a cucumber. Liquefy both ingredients together and apply the resulting mixture to your hands, allowing it to sit for 15-20 minutes. It is important not to expose your hands to the sun while you are doing the treatment.

4 – Another home remedy for hand stains that will help you soften the skin is to mix moisturizing cream with a little cider vinegar. Simply apply the lotion to your hands and massage for 10 or 15 minutes. This treatment can also be used on any part of the body that you want to clear up.

5- The hydrogen peroxide provides a powerful bleaching effect and using it in moderation, it can be useful for removing stains on his hands. You must first apply a few drops on your skin to make sure that you do not make any allergic reaction to this product. To apply it, moisten a cotton pad and with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, gently rub it on the stained areas of your hands.

6 -In addition to these home remedies for removing stains from the hands, it is important for the appearance of your skin to prevent these spots and therefore protect your skin with sunscreen, keep them always hydrated, and consult a dermatologist if you start to have a lot of spots.



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