Signs Your Boyfriend’s Ego Is Killing Your Relationship


Have you ever questioned if you were dating a guy or his ego?

At times people can be overly confident or brag about themselves a tad too much. But there is a very fine line between having a positive sense of self and having an ego that is bigger than the state of Texas. At first, a large ego may present itself as something that is attractive. It may come off as confident, assertive, and strong-willed. Further into the relationship, however, you will begin to realize the ego is only there to serve itself and therefore, will ruin your relationship.

Men with big egos are often insecure and cover their egos up through treating others poorly. This is not the type of person you want to be in a relationship with. Here are the signs he’s got an ego way too big.

He has narcissistic characteristics.

Signs Your Boyfriend's Ego Is Killing Your Relationship

Is everything always about him? Do 75 percent of his sentences start with “I”? Does he constantly talk about himself? This is one of the biggest and most noticeable red flags. The ego is interested in one person and one person only, himself. Your boyfriend may hijack every conversation, answer questions on your behalf, or turn topics around so he can talk about himself. He will not pay attention to the social ques of those around him and instead continue to brag and gloat about what he feels like discussing. If the world is not focusing on him, his ego will do whatever it can to change that despite other’s feelings.
He’s never present.

Since he is always talking about himself, you may begin to realize he spends almost zero time listening to anything you have to say. He is never fully present in the moment, and instead thinking of how he can make the conversation about him. He may also blatantly ignore you if the topics do not interest his ego. This will come off as incredible impatience and a complete inability to connect with others. The egotistical man thinks he knows it all and is the only one that deserves to be heard. He might be standing next to you, but his mind is a million miles away.
He criticizes you constantly.

The ego maniac boyfriend will criticize every move. Nothing you say, do, or think will ever be right in his eyes. His ego is unable to handle the idea that someone else could be right, because that would mean he couldn’t take the credit. His ego thrives off of other people failing and being wrong. Even if you are right, he will never let you know. In addition, he will always be quick to point out your faults without giving any constructive criticism on how to grow or do better. Instead, he just does what he can to judge you and make you feel less of yourself.
He uses you for an ego boost.

The relationship will be incredibly one-sided if you are dating someone who has an ego problem. The relationship is only there to serve him and make him feel better. He will become dependent on your love to boost his self-value and cares very little about your needs as a partner. He may even know he isn’t the one for you, but will keep you around because it gives him the consistent ego boost he needs. The most important thing to remember here is that you cannot change him. It will be painful to walk away when you know he doesn’t care, but you must love yourself enough to look for a man who cares about your feelings.
He talks down to others.

A man with a large ego will think that he is much better than everyone else and always try to one-up everyone. He not only thinks poorly of you, but he judges everyone around him as well. He will come off as very rude and annoying to others. For example, at dinner he may talk down to the waitress simply because she is there to serve him. His ego will latch onto anything to make it feel better, worthy and higher than others. Furthermore, he will ignore other’s problems and instead talk about his are much worse. He wants the attention to be on him, and him only.
He tries to control and manipulate.

His ego will always be ready to point fingers and blame others so that he will always remain in total control of any situation. Your boyfriend will never allow others to take center stage, leaving him unable to surrender any control to others. He will manipulate you in various ways, including getting angry when you hang out with anyone but him. His ego is the only important person in your life. He will also try to control and manipulate by comparing your relationship to his last relationship. He wants to break you down so that his ego can be fed.
He gets angry easily.

The egotistical man is desperate and hungry for constant attention and admiration. He seeks to find approval from everyone through his money, popularity, what he does, etc. and wants to be better than others. However, when the attention is not given to him, his ego will panic. He will bully others to exert power and get loud, angry, and defensive if he is called out for his ego problem. Anytime the attention on him is not positive he will fight tooth and nail to change it around. The ego is looking for recognition at all times. His anger can turn abusive and be scary to watch. If you feel unsafe, talk to a friend to find a way to remove yourself from the situation.
It’s not confidence.

There is a major difference between having a positive self-esteem and having a huge ego. If your man is only fulling himself through the relationship, he may be trying to boost his own ego and actually has little care or regard for your wellbeing. It’s time to ditch this loser and find a real confident man.



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