Top Natural Remedies to Fix Your Sleeping Disorder

fix sleeping disorder

Sleep is something that we all have experienced in our lives, in fact, a third of our lives are spent sleeping. This temporary state of decreased consciousness helps us rejuvenate our energy, and repair our muscles, tissues, and cells, and improves memory, our learning process, and decision-making. But did you know that there are millions of people worldwide who grapple with various forms of sleep disorders?

If you are one among those millions of people suffering from sleep disorders then this blog is for you. Here we are going to share the best natural remedies that may fix your sleeping disorder. So, scroll down to find the secrets for a blissful good night’s sleep.

5 Most Common Types of Sleeping Disorder

Before we jump into the core of the topic, let’s understand what are some of the most common types of sleep disorders and their symptoms.

1. Insomnia

It is the most common form of sleep disorder which makes it difficult for a person to fall asleep, stay asleep, wake up earlier than desired time, or lack quality sleep time. Experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms occasionally is completely normal and doesn’t require any medical attention. However, if you are experiencing it for a longer duration then it can be a cause of concern and you may need to consult a doctor to discuss the symptoms.

Treatment for insomnia includes therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia or CBT-I and other medications.

2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA)

It is another common type of sleep disorder that occurs when your throat muscles relax and block the airway causing brief but recurring episodes of pauses and breathing, resulting in micro awakening. Some of the most common symptoms of OSA are snoring, dry throat while awakening, waking up at night gasping, being tired all the time, high blood pressure, etc.

Treatment for OSA includes a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask, oral appliances such as Soft Palate Lifters, and a Mandibular Advancement Splint.

3. Circadian Rhythm Disorder

Also known as sleep-awake disorder is a type of disorder where your body’s internal clock (circadian clock) finds it difficult to sync with your environment. This form of sleep disorder is commonly seen in people who work in night shift or are traveling to different time zones, or it is caused by aging or medical conditions. The symptoms include issues with decision-making, extreme daytime sleep, low alertness, etc.

By switching to a healthy lifestyle one can prevent Circadian Rhythm Disorder, however, if left untreated it can cause severe health problems.

4. Nightmare Disorder

Nightmare disorder or parasomnia is a form of sleep disorder that disrupts your sleep and is caused by undesirable experiences or events that occur during sleep or when you’re falling asleep. Though there is no exact cause is known, however, there are a few factors such as trauma, stress or anxiety, medication, etc., that can trigger parasomnia. Some of the symptoms of Nightmare disorder include frequent occurrence of similar nightmares, bedtime anxiety, concentration issues, and low energy.

Some of the treatments for nightmare disorder include stress reduction techniques such as mindfulness, calming activities such as reading books before bed, meditation, etc.

5. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

RLS is a condition where you have an irresistible urge to move your legs during nighttime or in the evening. This nervous system disorder is also known as Wilis-Ekbom disease and it usually gets worse when you are at rest. People with RLS condition experience extreme sensations like itching, throbbing, and aching which urge them to move their legs to reduce the sensation.

Though, doctors don’t know what exactly causes RLS, but, it is tied to a result of medication or psychiatric conditions. Iron deficiency is considered one of the most common causes of RLS.

Easy & Natural Fix for Your Sleep Disorder

So, now that you know some of the most common sleep disorders affecting humans, let’s explore some of the natural remedies that can help you fight these sleep disorders.

1.Warm Drinks

From ancient times it has been believed that having a warm drink before bed boosts and improves the quality of sleep. Fortunately, there is a plethora of warm drink options that you can include in your bedtime habit. At the top of this list is warm milk which contains sleep-promoting components such as the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of melatonin, a hormone released by the pineal gland that helps regulate sleep and wake up cycle.  Here is a list of some popular nighttime drinks that may help you sleep better and fight sleep disorders.

  • Warm Milk
  • Valerian Tea
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Golden Milk (Turmeric Milk)
  • Peppermint Tea
  • Sugar-free Tart cherry juice

2. Mindfulness Meditation & Yoga

Mindfulness Meditation is a practice of focusing on breathing and bringing back the mind’s attention to the present without drifting away into the thoughts of the past or future. Practicing a short 5-10-minute daily session of mindfulness meditation will help you control the uninvited thoughts floating in your mind, consequently, reducing stress and anxiety over time.

Yoga, on the other hand, is a form of training that focuses on various techniques of breathing, exercise, stretching, and meditation which helps reduce stress and anxiety. Thus, relaxing your body and helping you sleep better.

3. Better Lifestyle for Better Sleep

The choices we make or add to our lifestyle have great impacts on the quality of our sleep. By including a few positive changes to our daily routine can drastically improve not just the quality of sleep but our overall well-being. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you counter the signs of sleep disorder.

  • Add healthy and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet
  • Be consistent with your sleep and wake-up time.
  • Avoid alcohol, heavy meals, nicotine, and caffeine before bedtime.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Reduce screen time.
  • Keep the bedroom dark and at a comfortable temperature.
  • Read books before bed

When to Consult a Doctor

Sleep disorder has become a widespread phenomenon and lately, people started giving importance to their sleeping conditions. Many reasons cause sleep disruption and the above mentioned are some of the most common ones. Many a time these sleep disorder conditions are not worrisome and get fixed without any medical interventions.

However, if you’re experiencing prolonged signs of sleep disorder such as extreme daytime sleep, struggling to sleep at night, waking up feeling tired, etc. along with other symptoms discussed above, then it’s time for you to consult the sleep specialist.


Understanding the importance of sleep holds paramount importance and in this blog, we have tried to help you with some most popular and natural aids for sleep disorders. From a glass of warm milk to exercise to a few lifestyle changes, there are plenty of ways to improve the quality of your sleep.

However, it is equally important to understand your sleep disorder stage and take the necessary steps at the right time by consulting a doctor.



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