Help your neighbors

Help Your Neighbors and You Will Live Wealthy

Help Your Neighbors and You Will Live Wealthy. You can grow by helping others. Here is an inspirational story about this theme of helping...
We are Not Perfect

We are Not Perfect

Got have not created us to be perfect. We may have weaknesses. We may be weak in some aspects and great in some. Just up...
Roses for you my love

Roses for you my love

Roses for you my love The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart. Sometimes, flowers are the key to...
Smile is priceless

Your Smile is Priceless

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Nobody cares if you're really miserable so you might as well be happy because your...
Healthy Family Relationships

Healthy Family Relationships

Family relationships are important. It is very important because parents are always with you when you need them and they can also give you pieces of...
How to achieve happiness

How to achieve happiness

Happiness is a choice. So don't ever put your happiness in someone's pocket. A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of...
Treasure and cherish the old ones

Treasure and cherish the old ones

Even though you met many different people in your life you must cherish the old ones because they are the one who taught you...


The joy of motherhood comes in moments. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. She dreamed of you from the time...
never give up

Never give up on your dreams

Never give up on your dreams. Everything will put into place. Don't lose hope. Always have faith in what you believe and on your...
There's no better time to be happy than right now!

There’s no better time to be happy than right now!

This story will remind you that the time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is where you are now. The...