Indigos are children (and adults) with an expanded sensory perception. Their unique ability to “see through the veil” has often been either romanticized or feared, resulting in a general misunderstanding of their nature. I wish to offer a different, grounded perspective on the Indigo experience, with the intention of helping indigo children and their caregivers achieve self-confidence and nurturing relationships. Parenting an Indigo child can be a rollercoaster ride, but these 8 tips will help your child – and you – thrive.
1 – Don’t Ask Your Indigo to Explain
The crucial element in raising indigo children is to understand their unique neurological wiring. Their heightened multisensory perception (clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, etc.) is usually what stands out and is straight-forward to conceptualize. What’s not immediately understood is their salient way of processing inputs from the environment.
Theirs is a non-linear, intuitive information processing that could be viewed as odd, especially in the school setting. An Indigo child may, for instance, resist a chronological approach to learning as it feels unnatural to her. Or she can get frustrated when asked to explain how she arrived at a mathematical solution. Most often, she doesn’t know! The data may have been absorbed all at once and the answer could have appeared in a form of an image or a colour. This ability can be borderline genius or savant, and appear puzzling to teachers and parents alike. Instead of focusing on the mystery of their thinking processes, or asking them about their processes, simply tune into their experience in the moment and allow for their natural learning process to emerge.
2 – Normalize Your Indigo’s Talents
Indigos come in all shapes and forms. The heightened perception is a gift that’s usually a combination of few talents. Some talents may seem impractical or make one a genius, such as synesthesia (merging two or more senses): just accept your Indigo’s gifts without judgement. It’s best to not bring hierarchy into your perception of their talents (such as “telepathy is more important than clairvoyance“). To them, this unfathomable combination of aptitudes that emerges as a formidable power of perception is nothing but natural. Just as breathing is natural to you – even though it is a complex biological process you probably cannot fully explain – so your Indigo’s abilities are natural and unremarkable to them. Keep it that way, even as you marvel at their abilities. The only thing that matters is their own perceptions of themselves.
3 – Be Mindful of your Indigo’s Sensory Sensitivities
An unusually heightened awareness is one reason why Indigos tend to be sensitive to one or more sensory inputs, such as touch, sound, smell, etc. In the same way, they may be sensitive to harsh energies in their environment. Some family gatherings or places, like shopping centers, might feel unbearable to them. Be aware of the factors in their environments that are causing them discomfort. Do not suggest that they “get over it”, for they won’t. Your role is to protect them from these harmful environments: their wellbeing takes precedence over the social norms.
4 – Help Your Indigo Express Memories from Beyond this Lifetime
Another possible, unsettling aspect of Indigos is their recollection of different lifetimes, planets or even alternate dimensions. This may be expressed as an unusual expectation, such as “why can’t I fly, what’s wrong with me?”, or, “I’m sad because my friends at school can’t hear what I’m thinking”. Your Indigo child may create elaborate drawings of places in other worlds that they call home. This is a wonderful opportunity to tune in and compassionately connect with your child; let them know they can safely share all that with you. The experience of disconnect, especially among children with telepathic abilities, can morph into a sense of isolation and even depression. The key here is to empathize, hold an accepting space for them to express what they feel.
However, if your child has vivid memories from recognizable world events, hold back your excitement when hearing about it. When we’re excited about such things, the ego tends to make up stories to glorify these past life events. This kind of reaction would most likely create an air of superiority around the child, which might become a hindrance to him later in life. Remember that what is normal to him needs to be accepted by you as such, so talk about these things in a matter of fact way.
5 – Keep Calm When Faced with the Unexpected
Imagine your child comes to you at night saying: “Mommy, can you make this native lady stop singing, because she keeps waking me up?”. You’d probably have an emotional reaction to this statement. It is imperative that you keep your cool. If it happened once, it’ll happen again, so be emotionally prepared and remember that this, too, is just another “normal” element of their experience. Work on your own fears and educate yourself on all matters of clairvoyance, spirits, and how to handle energies in your home.
6 – Maintain Your Personal Integrity
Indigo children read your energy like a book. If you are feeling a certain way but try to act out something else, they’ll know it. By not being in integrity you create chaos for them, which might translate into a lack of safety for your child. If your child is clairvoyant, encourage him to share what he sees or feels in the same, routine-as-you-go way you talk to them about school. Many children suppress their gifts because of the fearful reactions from their environment. Once again, this ability is nothing more than “par for the course” for Indigo children, even if this gift appears extraordinary in your eyes.
7 – Do Not Feed Your Indigo’s Ego
Indigo children will thrive when treated as any other children despite their gifts. By putting them on a pedestal you may set them up with a false societal hierarchy. This will only instill in your child a sense of superiority, which can hamper their future relationships with the world. This is a major disfavor to your Indigo, because in order to fully access her gifts, she’ll have to work through the superiority distortion first. Remember: Indigo children are ordinary human beings with extraordinary gifts.
8 – Stand Up for Your Indigo in a World Which Doesn’t Get It
There is a chance that your child’s peers might perceive her as “weird”; or she could be labeled as “difficult” or “inattentive” by teachers. Always be your child’s staunchest ally: stay in her world and be a compassionate listener and a strong protector. School can be very difficult time for Indigos because the backbone of most school systems is linearity and uniformity. Many Indigos are ill adjusted to this inorganic world and its rigid educational system. They are sometimes diagnosed with ADHD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder and medicated. It’s your role to ensure that your Indigo is allowed to be her natural self and not labeled or treated as if she were ill.
Raising Indigos can be a bumpy ride, but also a great opportunity for us parents to expand our consciousness. Their abilities and sensitivities may present challenges to the non-initiated. Be patient, be open, and be there for them. Avoid the reflex of judging them by the society’s faulty metrics. Children with heightened sensory perception are wonderful human beings who need more help than others, not less, because of their gifts. From you, the greatest gift they can receive is your acceptance and love.
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