Why Time Is Cyclical In Hinduism And Not Linear?

In Hinduism, the concept of time is indeed often viewed as cyclical rather than linear. This perspective is deeply rooted in Hindu cosmology and...

Can animals really smell fear in humans?

Many animals have a good sense of smell, but can they smell chemical signals that indicate a person is fearful? It has long been debated...

3 Aphrodisiac Herbs To Enhance Romance

If I asked you what the single most important organ is when it comes to sexual well-being, what would you say? Considering that simply smelling...

Biological clocks: How does the body know that time goes by?

In April of this year, Spanish athlete Beatriz Flamini emerged into the light after a 500-day stay in a cave. Her descent underground is...

How to Start a Garden

Start a Garden. This article is more dedicated to beginners who have access to a small plot of land and want to start a very first...

How to Build a Wooden House

Build a Wooden House. We are going to take our most ecological side. On this occasion, we present a trend that triumphs in half...

How do Dolphins Sleep

Dolphins Sleep. The ancestors of cetaceans (like those of dolphins) were mammals that evolved on Earth. Some 55 million years ago, these animals returned to aquatic...

How to Make Fertilizer

Make Fertilizer. There are many options to prepare an organic fertilizer, an essential ingredient to fertilize, nurture and care for plants both indoors and outdoors,...

How to Recycle Plastic at Home

Recycle Plastic at Home. Plastic is one of the most abundant wastes in many houses. The main cause is found in the packaging and wrappings that proliferate...

How to Get Rid of Gnats

How to Get Rid of Gnats. With the summer months approaching, Gnats began to emerge. When you wake up in the morning, you little...