Consistency Beats Talent, Luck, Good Intentions, and Even Quality. This is an article from one of my favourite young Personal Development writers Anthony Moore. This Article is so powerful we have republished it exactly as Anthony wrote it. I hope you enjoy and can make the same commitments that Anthony has. Let me know in the comments what you think and if you would like to see more from Anthony Moore.
“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” -Calvin Coolidge
There are so many people in the world that are so much more talented than you.
They’re sexier. Smarter. Richer. More creative. More likable, more charming, better-connected, and better-looking.
But there is one, singular thing you can do better than them:
You can outwork them.
This sheer commitment to keep-going-no-matter-what beats your stronger opponent, every time.
Prolific actor Will Smith was once asked how he got to be so successful in his career:
“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things. But if we get on the treadmill together, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die.”
Anybody can cultivate this discipline.
It’s the single most effective strategy to outperform the toughest competitors you’ll ever face.
You just need to be consistent. Consistency Beats Talent
Said Benjamin Hardy, “Consistency is the most fundamental virtue to becoming the person you want to be.”
Consistency Will Make You Feel Like a Loser
“Success comes through sustained effort. (The key word in that sentence is not ‘effort.’ It’s ‘sustained.’)” -Todd Brison
If I told you that you needed to write 41 articles before one of them went viral, would you write that many?
How about that you needed to go to the gym 41 times before you noticed any weight loss? Or 41 ask’s before you got your first client?
Most people wouldn’t do the work.
Talented, attractive, lucky people are everywhere. Everywhere. They’re all over my feed, peppered all throughout my community and friend groups. They’re freaking amazing at this one thing.
But rarely is any one of them a consistent person.
That is why eventually, they will fail.
And that is why you will succeed.
Consistent people are extremely rare. If you can learn to cultivate consistency in your work, you’ll eventually beat any talent, luck, skill, and even quality — just by being consistent.
Consistency will make you feel like a loser. All the time you’ll spend working, trying, failing, trying again, failing again, trying again and failing again will make you think you’re a loser.
You’ll feel like a nobody who sucks and isn’t good for anything and should just quit because you’ll never be good enough.
At least, that’s how I feel.

Being consistent is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to become.
I’ve been blogging for 5 years now. For the first 4.5 years, no one read my stuff. In 54 months, I’d accumulated a grand total of 79 subscribers.
I wasn’t consistent. I’d write and blog furiously for a few weeks, then lose motivation and disappear entirely. I wouldn’t write for like, 3–4 months. Then, I’d get inspired and write another few posts. Then I’d lose interest and give in to boredom, and stop writing again.
No wonder nobody ever read my stuff!
Consistency Beats Talent
4 months ago, I finally decided to become consistent. I started publishing every single day, building trust with my readers and honing my craft.
It’s no coincidence that in the last 4 months, I’ve gotten more traffic to my articles than the previous 4.5 years combined. I’ve gained nearly 1,000 more subscribers. My articles are read by thousands of people every day.
I’ve made more money from my blog this week than I’ve made in the past 4 years combined.
This is the reward for being consistent. But consistency will make you feel like a loser, while you’re in it. Just remember — you have to shovel through 10,000 pounds of crap before you strike gold. Most people will never have the consistency to overcome the tedious repetition that long.
“Repetition can be boring or tedious — which is why so few people ever master anything.” -Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning
There’s a ton of gold down there — are you willing to keep shoveling until you get there?
It’s OK If You Can Only Put in a Few Hours a Day
“Although Gary Vaynerchuck claims to work 20 hours per day, many highly successful people I know work between 3–6 hours per day. Gary Vaynerchuck wants to own the New York Jets. He’s also fine, apparently, not spending much time with his family. And that’s completely fine. He’s clear on his priorities.” -Benjamin Hardy
A common misconception in the side-hustle business is that you need to work 12 hours a day, 90 hours a week. Otherwise, you’re not putting in enough time.
This is simply not true.
You can still outwork your opponent even if they claim to work more hours a day than you. The key here is identifying your priorities. What are your goals? What’s more important to you?
For me, that’s Jesus and family. My relationship with God is my #1 priority. Spending quality time with my wife (and someday, my kids) is priority #2.
I won’t sacrifice that time for work. I’ve accepted what that means.
That means guys like Gary Vaynerchuck and thousands of other entrepreneurs who are willing to spend 90% of their waking hours hustling might work more than me. They might create a bigger enterprise than me. That doesn’t make them better or more capable than you or me.
You can still outwork them.
As long as your prioritize your working time and produce as much as possible (while respecting your other priorities), you’re still outworking your competition.
Do what you can with the hours you have.
Cultivate discipline.
Master your time so you can maximize your production with what time you have.
Do this every day.

You Can Outlast The Lucky Ones and Outwork The Lazy Ones
“Time you spent being jealous of others’ success is time they spent working. Guess which one is more valuable.” -Jon Westenberg
Talent is intimidating. It’s scary. It makes you feel insecure and not good-enough.
If you’ve never heard of Matthew Dellavedova, you’re not alone. He was the 2nd-string point guard on the Cleveland Cavaliers during the NBA Finals.
Dellavedova had been an average player throughout his career. He had the unenviable task of guarding Warriors’ Stephen Curry, the league MVP.
Despite being completely outmatched in talent, Dellavedova was determined to outwork Curry. He dove for loose balls, threw his body into far bigger defenders, and got smashed all game. He guarded Curry like his life depended on it.
Through sheer effort, Dellavedova stopped Curry. The Cavaliers won. He had faced a far superior talent and won by simply outworking his opponent. Dellavedova was so exhausted, he had to be hospitalized that night to recover.
This is what outworking talent looks like.
This is what outlasting luck looks like.
Many talented people rely on their magnetism and God-given abilities to succeed. But their luck will eventually run out. Their laziness will eventually be exposed by the individual who is willing to outwork anyone.
Are you willing to outwork your opponent?
The True Mark of a Champion is a Commitment to the Craft
“Champions aren’t made in the ring, they are merely recognized there.” -Joe Frazier, World Champion Heavyweight Boxer
Anyone who relies solely on luck, talent, or prestige doesn’t understand this.
The best professionals were, at one point, pretty bad. Everything is hard before it’s easy.
True champions don’t rely on luck. They don’t wait for inspiration to train or do the work. They just do it.
The Boston Globe once studied a typical day for Olympic snowboarders. The athletes are “up at dawn, stretch, watch a video of the previous day, hit the slopes till lunch, go to class, do more conditioning, eat dinner, and then go to study hall for an hour and a half. At most, they get about an hour of ‘free time’ a day, but it’s usually used for homework.”
These athletes went on to become the best-in-the-world at their craft. They became champions long before they start their first Olympic competition; they are champions because they practiced every day.
This motivation is what keeps them going through the tedious repetition, day in and day out. In Anders Ericcson’s famous book Peak: Secrets of the New Science of Expertise, Ericcson says,
“At its core, practice is a lonely pursuit.”
Commitment to the craft can be lonely, boring, and tedious. It often is.
But this is the difference between good and bad writers, snowboarders, CEO’s, singers, and jugglers — the good ones practice consistently.
The bad ones don’t.
“The right sort of practice can help pretty much anyone improve in just about any area they choose to focus on.” -Anders Ericcson, Peak

If You’re Not That Good Now, Consistency Will Make You Better
“Don’t coast on talent alone. Let it remind you of the responsibility you have to honor your gift. And if you’re not that good, well here’s the good news: you can get better.” -Jeff Goins
Odds are, you’re not your best self yet. You still need time to develop your skills and talent.
Consistency makes you better. Consistency will make you incredible. Consistency Beats Talent
It will make you world-class.
In the words of Chuck Close:
“Things will grow out of the activity itself and you will, through work, bump into other possibilities and kick open other doors that you would never have dreamt of if you were just sitting around looking for a great ‘art idea’.”
I’ve been playing a lot of pick-up basketball since my wife and I moved to South Korea. I’m right-handed, and I’m pretty uncoordinated with my left hand.
But I’ve been practicing consistently. I’ve been doing 500 dribbles with my left hand a night (cramps!). I’ve had to run after the ball dozens of times because I’d bounce it off my foot or it’d slip away from my awkward grip.
But recently I played a game, and I was killing it with my left hand. I’ve gotten better at playing left-handed this month than I probably ever have in my 20 years of inconsistent practice until now.
If you’re not that good now, consistency will make you better.
When you’re consistent, you find out just how bad you are.
But a funny thing happens; you find out that, shockingly, you’re actually not that bad. You’re not that far behind from your role models.
Most people will never experience the explosive growth that happens through consistency. It takes patience, humility, and commitment over time.
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
-Winston S. Churchill
In Conclusion
“Most people knock on the door of their dreams once, then run away before anyone has a chance to the open the door. But if you keep knocking, persistently and endlessly, eventually the door will open.” -Les Brown
There are millions of people out there who are far better writers than I am. They’re better at basketball, can run a faster mile, make a better sales pitch, and create a better product.
For now.
But as soon as they give up (which always happens to people who rely solely on talent), I’ll be there. I’ll be ready to outwork them, because I’m not more talented. I’m not more charming. I’m not skilled enough.
But I work harder.
And that’s why I’ll win.
Anthony Moore writes on Medium and has his own website at Check him out as he writes some amazing Personal Development articles. He is a young guy to watch out for.