Fake Friends Alert!
Beware and be alert to those fake friends or snakes that pretend to be your friend, or to be on your side and it turns out that they will bite you or stab you in your back. They were an invisible backstabber that you will just know when you got hit.
A man was in his cabin in the middle of a terrible snow storm when he heard a feeble scratching at his door.
He opened it to see a half-frozen rattlesnake on his doorstep begging to be let in from the bitter cold.
The man said to the snake, “I’m not going to let you in! You’re a rattlesnake and you’re going to bite me!”
“No I won’t,” hissed the snake. “Just bring me in and get me warm and I’ll be your friend for life.”
Well, the man let the snake come in and even allowed it to rest upon his chest by the fire to get warm.
When the snake was completely comfortable it bit the man on the neck.
As he was dying, the man said, “but you promised you wouldn’t bite me and would be my friend for life.”
The snake calmly replied… “but you knew I was a snake when you let me in.”
This story reminds us to determine who is your true and fake friends.