“Time I am” echoes in the air
as we breathe into the end of another year
We can fool ourselves that we are in control
Until we face how time sweeps us along
Like a slow moving tsunami
Ignoring us as we walk or jump
Or stumble or hold on for dear life
The new year is a turning point
It’s meant to stop us in our tracks you know
We’re meant to go – Hey! Wait a minute!
What’s happening here? What is this thing called life?
Why do I have to die? Why do I have to suffer?
But wait it will not. That minute is gone now and
then another and another takes its place.
Time, my friend, we weep for what is lost to you
Our whole sense of self, covered by the days and
nights of our lives, tied as we are to our time bound bodies
Whether this moment of life or that moment of death
Time will take us away and bring us back again
Like a great circular universal river, steady and unending.
But we can step away. We can. We must.
Drawn by a longing for that which we cannot find in this world
That which is beyond the river of time, that which is our nature
Our life, our true love. That time is within us all.
We just have to stop and pause and listen.
Originally Published: iskconnews.org