Tips For A Healthy Mind

Tips For A Healthy Mind

A strong mind is what stops you from cracking under the pressure of daily life problems. What does it take to be more mentally...

The Voice Inside Your Head: Dealing with Incessant Thought-Chatter

When did the voice inside your head start talking? I became aware of mine at about the age of 15. Up till that point,...
Relax and Stress Relief with Lavender

Relax and Stress Relief with Lavender

Do you ever experience stress or anxiety? If this is the case, lavender may be the plant for you! Lavender is well-known for its...

What “No Self” Really Means

The journey of awakening, says Buddhist teacher Gaylon Ferguson, begins by examining our usual beliefs about who we are. Because maybe we’ve got it...
freelancer working

How To Achieve Work-Life Balance As A Freelancer

Work-life balance is a pressing concern for all professionals as achieving it is a mission in itself. Freelancers are in an even more daunting...

Transforming Self-Comparison

Eda Ocak reflects on how meditation practice and the Buddha’s message of no-self transformed her habit of self-comparison. When I attended my first long meditation...

Psychologists Explain the Best 12 Ways to Clear Your Mind

When you think of clutter, you probably instantly picture your closets and other areas of hoarding that occur in your home. However, few realize...
river calm

Getting in touch with your spiritual self; 5 techniques to get...

Spiritual self-discovery is a journey of self-exploration and personal development. It is a process of finding out who you are and what your purpose...

Quotes For Single Women To Live By

Sometimes it feels like being in a relationship is the natural state of things and anyone who chooses to be on their own is...

How to Work with Anger

While I don’t consider myself an angry person, I have always had an open curiosity about anger. As a child, I remember experiencing deep...