Albert Einstein Spiritual Quotes

Reason, of course, is weak, when measured against its never-ending task. Weak, indeed, compared with the follies and passions of mankind, which, we must...

Celibacy In Hinduism

Celibacy, or the practice of abstaining from sexual activity, is a concept that has various interpretations and applications within Hinduism. Hinduism is a diverse...

The Coronavirus Mercy

Although far from being the cause of the highest number of deaths in the world (far from the rates of deaths from abortions and...

How to Preserve Your Spiritual Energy During Sex

As a whole, our society has become pretty good at becoming energetically aware and emotionally accountable. We have learned how to balance protecting our...

What Is Karma and Is Your Destiny Sealed?

One of the most interesting concepts that we all stumble across in our lives sooner or later is that of “karma.” In fact, karma...

Importance Of Moksha – Liberation In Hinduism

Moksha, also known as liberation or emancipation, holds profound significance in Hinduism. It is considered the ultimate goal of human life and the highest...