Carrying a baby can be overwhelming, and preparing for delivery as the day draws near can make you feel uneasy, especially when it’s your first child. Preparing for labor after marriage isn’t left to the wife alone; the husband must also be part of it.
Anxiety about the pain, fatigue, uncertainty about the whole process, and finding help can take a toll on you. However, with the right guide, you can get through this by preparing ahead.
Don’t worry; this article will help you through things you need to know, so you can relax and rest assured that delivery will go well.
• Rest
The expecting mother must rest well. You’re unlikely to get enough sleep when the baby arrives because you’d have to rock, feed, and tuck them in.
While resting before delivery might not seem like much, you’ll feel refreshed and well-rested before and after delivery. Ensure you sleep early and take a tap when you can and when needed.
• Prepare a birth plan
Many people write a birth plan before going into labor, and you should consider writing one too. This will help you feel prepared.
For example, the plan could include what you want your labor and delivery team to know about your delivery, like birthing positions, pain relief, IV use, holding the baby, cutting the cord, suctioning, and more.
If, for any reason, there are issues with the birth process; such as injuries to you or your child, you can also get compensation for damages. Ideally, you would have to reach out to lawyers with experience in birth injury cases, to assist you in getting compensated for such situations.
• Attend a class
Expecting parents should also take a childbirth class to prepare for labor and delivery. There you can learn relaxation techniques, labor positions, pain relief options, breathing techniques, and general tips relating to childbirth and newborn care.
Furthermore, it’s an opportunity to meet other expecting parents and connect with your partner throughout the period.
• Eat right
You need to prepare your body for delivery through the food you eat. Ensure you eat healthy and nutrient-filled pregnancy superfoods, like nuts, salmons, yogurt, lentils, lean meat, whole grain, and veggies. Healthy meals will make your body ready and prepare your path to successful childbirth.
• Exercise
Labor is challenging and requires strength; you need all the stamina and strength you can get. Before delivery, exercise and prepare your body for the big day. Pick a routine and stick to it.
Some exercises you can practice include yoga, swimming, walking, or low-impact dance class. Aim for a 30 minutes exercise session for five days weekly.
• Pre-register and tour
Another thing to do before delivery is to fill out hospital paperwork that you must submit before D-Day. You can scan or mail it to the hospital or bring it with you when you go for delivery.
Furthermore, you should consider touring the birthing center physically or virtually to get a feel of the environment and learn their policies.
• Relax
Relaxing and practicing mindfulness can help you envision and achieve your desired successful delivery. You can also practice deep breathing, stretching, visualization techniques, hypnosis, and yoga to train your mind to stay focused and relaxed during delivery. Furthermore, you may consider hypnobirthing during labor.
• Create a support system
Gather some help before going in for delivery. Accept help from family, colleagues, and friends who offer to help you. You should also ask for help, even for something as small as walking your dog while you’re away. In addition, you should consider hiring help to comfort and support you during and after labor.
• Pack a hospital bag
You shouldn’t wait until the delivery day before packing your hospital bag, as you may miss some important things you need in the hospital.
Some things to pack include a medication list, medication, birth plan, credit card or cash, book, birth playlist, non-skid socks or slippers, toiletries, book or magazine, underwear, pads, comfortable clothes, nursing supplies, and other nice things for you, your partner and the new baby.
• Stay positive
You don’t need negativity piling up on your anxiety. Don’t focus on stories you’ve heard about delayed delivery, complications, and other negative sides of childbirth. That’ll dampen your spirit.
Ensure you filter what you read on the internet or listen to from people. Seek only positive information and listen to uplifting talks and news about your delivery. Envision safe delivery.
• Ask questions
Wondering and worrying about how labor will go will do you no good. It’s better to ask questions and clear any doubts that you may have. Ask your doctor and the person leading your birth class questions you want answers to.
Don’t guess in your head or seek answers online. Speak to real professionals who have answers to your questions.
Preparation is key for safe delivery. You should prepare physically and mentally ahead of your childbirth. Ensure you speak to your doctor if you are unsure about anything.
Don’t forget to create a birth plan and take it to the hospital. Pack your hospital bag before the delivery date and be there for each other through this experience.