Empowering Yoga For Women
Yoga For Women To Make Better Choices
You know yoga is good for you. On a physical level, you stretch and strengthen your muscles, which has its...
Simple Morning Workout you can do at Home
Warm up with the mobility and dynamic flexibility moves. Then perform the 1-minute drill. Rest 15 to 30 seconds, then do the strength circuit....
What’s all the Fuss Over Pilates Exercise?
The Pilates Exercise
It's is a 70-year-old exercise technique first developed by German immigrant, Joseph Pilates. Only recently has it migrated from its long-held position...
Physical Fitness Protects Brain Health
Women with high physical fitness at middle age were nearly 90% less likely to develop dementia decades later, compared with women who were moderately...
Foods that need to be avoided
Foods that need to be avoided. Many of us were in love in eating foods. However, some of the people don't measure the amount...
Why is Exercise Important?
If you don't exercise, your muscles will become flabby and weak. Your heart and lungs won't function efficiently. And your joints will be stiff...
A Simple Bread That Can Full Your Tummy Daily
Every morning one of the foods we see on our table for breakfast is bread. The morning will not be complete if there's no...
A 20-Minute Yoga That You Should Try
You know those days when everything feels difficult. Days when your sluggishness can’t be remedied with yerba matè, when the ad for baby diapers...
Designing a Safe and Effective Aerobic Exercise Program
Read about The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
Aerobic exercise does good things for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management. Muscular...
Exercise That Can Help Through Addiction Recovery
I remember the first time I went jogging. A good friend of mine, who had always been into fitness and a healthy lifestyle, told...