Help your neighbors

Help Your Neighbors and You Will Live Wealthy

Help Your Neighbors and You Will Live Wealthy. You can grow by helping others. Here is an inspirational story about this theme of helping...
We are Not Perfect

We are Not Perfect

Got have not created us to be perfect. We may have weaknesses. We may be weak in some aspects and great in some. Just up...

Make Your Weakness a Strength

It is hard to accept a weakness whether it's physical or not. This boy has never considered being handicapped as a weakness. This is a...
Outlook in life

A Great Outlook in Life

This story is a great inspirational one. It is about one's outlook in life. It helps to have a positive outlook. One day a father...
This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass. Once a king called upon all of his wise men and asked them, “Is there a mantra or suggestion which...
Five Grains of Rice

Making The Most Of Every Opportunity – Story about Five Grains...

A rich man has four sons. As he grows old, he decides to give his property to the son who would value the wealth...

Cheap flowers, don’t under-estimate

Nowadays, people want to have and receive a grand arrangement of flower bouquet with colorful flowers and expensive flower. But, did you know that...
Roses for you my love

Roses for you my love

Roses for you my love The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart. Sometimes, flowers are the key to...
Smile is priceless

Your Smile is Priceless

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Nobody cares if you're really miserable so you might as well be happy because your...
High school

High School Memories that you’ll Treasure

High school may be annoying, awkward and irritating, but admit it you're going to miss it when it ends. They all said that high...