Binge Eating Disorder Treatment. We have a tendency to exaggerate in our daily life. We exaggerate watching television, we hang out on social media 24/7, and we generally like to get away from eating too much. However, when it starts to affect your excessive eating habits, an eating disorder known as Binge Eating develops when you trigger guilt and stress. BED is a relatively newly recognized eating disorder and was recognized only by psychiatrists in 2014. \

On special occasions, celebrations, eating, and drinking have been overtaken by many. But where it ends eating binge, knowing where to start, BED (Tearing Eating Disorder) is important.



Symptoms and Causes

Discussions about eating disorders are usually centered around people who are at risk of weight loss and malnutrition in unhealthy amounts. However, about 5% of people with eating disorders suffer from binge eating disorder.

What is Eating at the Throat?

Dysphagia is characterized by difficulties in eating and eating food uncontrollably in large quantities. Symptoms usually start in late adolescence or early adulthood and often after a large diet. Eating typically takes about two hours, but in some people, it can last throughout the day. Eateries often start eating when they are not hungry and continue until they feel full.

Key features of Eating Disorder:

* Excessive eating episodes that can not be controlled frequently

* Feeling extremely upset and distressed during or after excessive eating

Unlike Bulimia, it does not have regular attempts to eat, such as vomiting, starvation, and extreme exercise, after eating it.

People with impaired eating habits struggle with feelings of guilt, disgust, and depression. These people are very anxious about what they will do to compulsive men’s bodies and try to overcome their lack of control. They desperately want to stop eating too much food, but they feel like they can not.

Eating Distress Signs:

People with impaired eating habits frequently hide their symptoms and try to eat secret food because they are embarrassed about their eating habits. Many people who eat bellies are either overweight or obese, but some are normal weight.

Behavioral Indications:

* Inability to control your meals and stop feeding

* Eat a large amount of food quickly

* Continue to eat, even if it is full

* Later food storage and stacking secretly

* Do not eat normal food beside others but eat alone

* Continual eating during meal times during unplanned days

Emotional Indications:

* Relieve stress or strain only during eating

* Feeling of shame over the amount eaten

* Feeling numb like * during the eating on the treadmill, as if there was no autopilot

* Never feel satisfied, no matter how much food is eaten

* Extreme discomfort after eating, guilt, and feeling depressed

* Desperate to control weight and eating habits

Test of Eating Disorders in the Tin Test:

Ask yourself the following questions. If the answer is “yes”, you are more likely to have malnutrition.

* Do you feel out of control while eating?

* Do you think you will always eat?

* Do you eat secret hidden food?

* Do you eat until you feel uncomfortable?

* Are you eating to escape your worries and ease yourself?

* Do you feel disgust and shame after you eat?

* Do you feel powerless to stop eating when you want?

Eating Disorder Effects:

Eating at the top leads to a variety of physical, emotional, and social problems. People with impaired eating habits have more health problems, stress, sleep disturbances, and suicidal thoughts than people without eating disorders. There are common side effects such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. But the most obvious effect is weight gain.

Reasons to Eat at the Tearoom:

The combination of the genes, experiences, and feelings of a person is usually treated to develop an eating disorder in the biliary tract.

Biological Causes:

Biological abnormalities can contribute to binge eating. For example, the hypothalamus (part of the brain that controls appetite) may not send the right messages about hunger or satiety. Researchers also found a genetic mutation that appeared to cause food dependence. Finally, low-level chemical serotonin in the brain appears to play a role in compulsive feeding.

Social and Cultural Causes:

The social pressure associated with being thin is fueling the feeling of shame in eaters and thus emotional food. Some parents use food for comfort, to take their children away or to reward them. Children who are exposed to heavy criticism of their bodies and pills are defenseless, as are those who are harassed in childhood.

Psychological Causes:

Depression and binge eating are strongly linked to each other. Many people are depressed before or during their eclipse, and others have problems with impulse control, expressing or managing their emotions. Low self-esteem can contribute to eating alone, loneliness or body dissatisfaction.


Disturbed eating results in serious health consequences due to significant weight changes. In large quantities, there is a risk of weight gain, health problems such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, and biliary cirrhosis. Also, those who eat binge-eating experience intense feelings of guilt, shame, low self-esteem, and hate for their bodies.

As individuals with eating disorders meet social sanctions, this disorder leads to more weight gain. Research has shown that society discriminates against people who are close to their own weight in many ways by offering less work and less wages to overweight people. Overweight people are also vulnerable to bullying. Some overweight people have stated that they do not get quality health care because they blame physicians for their symptoms in every symptom of their health problem.

Treatment and Help Methods

Unlike other addictions, you do not have the option of staying away from food. Instead, you have to develop a healthy relationship with your food needs, not your emotional needs.

Stopping the unhealthy paternity of eating a tornado can be achieved by starting to eat for health and nutrition. Healthy eating involves making balanced eating plans, choosing healthy products while eating out, and making sure you get the right vitamins and minerals for your diet.

Strategies for coming from the top of Yemen to the tornado:

Manage Stress. One of the most important ways to control eating tics is to find alternative ways of managing stress and other overwhelming feelings without eating. These may include exercise, meditation, relaxation techniques, and simple breathing exercises.

* Eat 3 meals a day and healthy snacks. Breakfast allows your metabolism to start working. Has breakfast balanced for lunch, dinner, and healthy snacks? Meal skipping is usually caused by eating tucker later in the day.

* If you have homemade junk food, sweet or unhealthy food in your home, you will be closer to eating excess food. Clean your fridge from this type of food.

* Stop dieting. Hunger diets or deprivation encourages excessive eating.

* Exercise. Exercise does not just allow you to lose weight in a healthy way, but at the same time removes depression, improves overall health, and reduces stress.

* Find ways to distribute your attention instead of snacking when you’re bored. Take a walk, look for a friend, read something, or look for a hobby like painting or gardening.

* Sleep adequately. If you are tired you can increase your food intake to increase your energy. So you can have a nap or sleep early.

* Listen to your body. Find out the difference between physical and emotional hunger.

* Do not do anything when you eat. For example, do not watch TV, do not care about your phone. Being interested in these things will help you focus on what you eat and how much you eat.

* Keep a food diary. Write down when, how much you eat, what you eat, and how you feel while eating. You can see this connection between your mood and your excessive Yemen.

* Get support. If you lack a solid support network, you can defeat yourself by eating a bite. Even if it’s not a professional, it helps to talk. Talk to your family or friends. If possible, consult a therapist.

Eating Disorder Treatment and Assistance Methods:

There are many ways to stop overeating, but professional support is an important way to seek treatment. Psychiatrists, nutritionists, therapists, eating disorders, and obesity specialists offer treatments for impaired eating habits.

In an effective treatment of impaired eating habits, only symptoms and destructive eating habits should not be considered. At the same time, emotional triggers, stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and other difficulties in coping with disturbing emotions must be addressed.

Weight loss can be an important goal if obesity seriously threatens health. However, diet can contribute to overeating. For this reason, weight loss efforts should be carefully monitored by a professional.

Successful treatment is achieved by therapy for the eating disorder of the tinea. Therapy allows you to combat compulsive eating, change healthy eating habits and healthy habits, recognize the relationship between your mood and eating, and develop your ability to cope with stress.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy does not dwell on cuddling, but it focuses on dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors. One of the main goals is to notice how you use your food to cope with emotions. The therapist will help you identify, prevent, and combat triggers when you eat at your clinic. Cognitive-behavioral therapy also includes training in binge eating, nutrition, healthy weight loss, and relaxation techniques.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy focuses on compulsive eating, relationship problems, and interpersonal problems. The therapist helps you develop communication skills, and build healthy relationships with family members and friends. Compulsive eating becomes less frequent and easier to resist with learning to have a healthier relationship with others and getting the emotional support you need.

If You Have to Eat at Your Favorite Tinner:

Support him for help. It is more difficult to come up with an eating disorder that has not been diagnosed or treated for a long time. Encourage the person you love to get professional support.

* Listen without judgment and make yourself aware that you care about your situation.

* Overeaters already feel bad enough about themselves and their behavior.

* Giving lessons, grieving or ultimatums increases the stress only for those who eat bellies and makes the situation worse for him. Instead, show that this person’s health and happiness is important to you and that you will be with him.

* Be a good example of healthy eating, exercise, and nutritious stress management.

Binge Eating Disorder, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment Tips

You can also check if you have a Tornado Eating Disorder by reviewing the following 4 headings:

1-Determine the type, frequency, and amount of your meal:

People with impaired eating habits usually eat too much, too quickly, and too often. Eating can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours. These eating episodes usually occur more than once a week. It is usually eaten without hunger. The act of eating lasts until you feel uncomfortable.

Binge Eating starts to affect your life. You begin to feel that you have lost control. You feel guilty. You usually choose when you are alone to hide your eating habits. This is called “closet eating”. This way of eating increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression, and premature death.

2-Binge Eating Disorder is often tight, but incorrectly assessed:

Eating disorders are different from bulimia and obesity. Bulimia is characterized by eating at the biceps and voluntary vomiting afterward. In the BED, there is no vomiting or laxative use. Obese people may also be overeating. But there is no sense of guilt and losing control. Also, it is not necessary that someone with a binge eating disorder to be obese. An eating disorder is not a matter of will. Many binge eaters do not realize that this is an eating disorder.

3-Treadmill Eating Disorders can develop during any period of life:

Especially at younger ages, binge eating disorder can start as a way of coping with depression. Depression and eating disorders in the biceps are closely related.

Even in older ages, the eating style of the binge can be improved especially when it affects a great stress life. Eating at the tipping point can then become a coping strategy. Often the importance given to others increases, but self-neglect is the norm. Hopping or waiting for lunch can push you to binge-eating episodes.

4-The treatments are aimed at breaking the vicious cycle:

In general, depression leads to depression, eating disorderly, and repetitive depression, eating food at random, binge eating, deterioration of this body sensation, binge eating behavior to cope, and feelings of losing control of this binge.

However, Tornado Eating Disorder is a treatable disorder. First of all, what must be realized and accepted? Having an eating disorder is not something to be ashamed of. There are specialist psychiatry specialists and specialist psychologists. In many patients, 4-12 cognitive behavioral therapy sessions treat the condition. Group therapies can be beneficial.

Here are some tips to help you:

– Keep a food diary

– Plan to eat at regular meals

– Try to get rid of an obsessive glance at the body

– Develop different ways to get rid of the food-triggering greases

– Develop other methods of eating to cope with the stress

– Strive to solve problems in relationships


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