How do Dolphins Communicate

Dolphins Communicate. Most people have heard at least once the hissing and screaming of dolphins, whether for having the chance to meet them or watching...

How do Horses Sleep

Horses Sleep. Like most herbivorous mammals, horses are not characterized by their ability to sleep, however, the characteristics of their short sleep are in all...

Why Are Only 10% of People Left-Handed? Here’s What Scientists Know...

Are you a rightie or a leftie? No, we're not talking politics here, we're talking handedness. And unless you happen to have an abundance...

Sacred Geometry Is Literally Everywhere — Here’s Where To Look &...

Learning the fundamentals of sacred geometry can deepen our understand of the world we live in and the natural laws that govern it. Here's...
forest tress

Trees travelling west: How climate is changing our forests

Many studies on the impacts of global temperature rise have suggested that the range of our forests will migrate poleward and upward. However, research...

‘Ecosexuals’ Think That Having Sex With Planet Earth Will Help Save...

When it comes to saving the planet, many of us are trying to do as much as we can to help out. We bring...
Biodegradable Semiconductors Could Help Our E-Waste Problem

Biodegradable Semiconductors Could Help Our E-Waste Problem

A study from the UN recently found that 50 million tons of electronic waste, or e-waste, were thrown out in 2017, which is more...

Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm: How The Bees Can Help

Did you know that your cell phone technically microwaves your brain, sometimes using about the same frequencies found in a microwave oven?  And did...

How to Make a Japanese Garden

Make a Japanese Garden. Japanese culture is fascinating. All its idiosyncrasy, developed from centuries of the influence of Shinto and Buddhist religions, has created...

Birds Are Linked to Happiness Levels

A new study reveals that greater bird biodiversity brings greater joy to people, according to recent findings from the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity...