Difference Between Making Love And Having Sex

Difference Between Making Love And Having Sex

Love. When love visits, it sweeps us off our feet into a magical world where everything is as it should be—our toes, thighs, and torsos...
An Alarming Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Mentally Unstable

An Alarming Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Mentally Unstable

Maybe you met this guy a month ago, or you have been in a long-term relationship. But along the way something changed and your...
An Intelligent Love Letter

An Intelligent Love Letter

An Intelligent Love Letter This is a love letter from a boy to a girl…. However, the girl’s father does not like him and want them...
What does love mean

What does love mean?

What does love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, “What does love mean?” The answers they got...
unfaithful person

6 Characteristics Of An Unfaithful Person

Psychological Profile Characteristics of an Unfaithful Person Being an unfaithful person is a concept that has been the same for years. Some people differentiate unfaithfulness...
Signs Your Boyfriend's Ego Is Killing Your Relationship

Signs Your Boyfriend’s Ego Is Killing Your Relationship

Have you ever questioned if you were dating a guy or his ego? At times people can be overly confident or brag about themselves a...
Why Good Men Fall Into Temptation

Why Good Men Fall Into Temptation

It’s no secret. Lust and desire are taking out men left and right. Many men have wrestled with the temptation and sin of lust, and...

How to Flirt After the First Date & Create the Right...

You finished a great first date, but you’re thinking to yourself, what do I do next? Well, you’re about to learn how to flirt...
Characteristics Of Deep Spiritual Relationship With Your Partner

Characteristics Of Deep Spiritual Relationship With Your Partner

You don’t have to go to the Himalayas to find spiritual awakening. Your relationship can be as deep a well of spiritual growth as...

What Is a Karmic Relationship? The Testing Ties that Help You...

What is a karmic relationship? This type of relationship is sent to test you, teach you, and help you grow. It’s not always pretty,...