6 Pathways to Remove Negative Energy from Your Mind and Body

One of the Buddha’s foundational teachings is that life contains suffering. You could just as easily say that life contains negativity, as it...

How Shifting Your Energy Can Transform Your Life

If you were ever inspired by The Secret or stumbled upon an Abraham Hicks video, you know that your thoughts create your reality. What...
addicted to productivity actions productivity

Addicted to Productivity:Getting Things Done? Here’s What to Do

You can get addicted to productivity when you are checking off boxes and completing things.This is the compulsive inability to go to bed at...

Soul Guidance: How to Let Your Soul Lead Your Way into...

“The soul faithfully comes to our aid through dreams, deep emotion, love, the quiet voice of guidance, synchronicities, revelations, hunches, and visions, and at...

6 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Make a Paradigm Shift

If you are in an emotional rut—cycling from fear, anger, anxiety, and sadness—you are not alone. Every human being on this planet has been...
tears on your eyes

Wiping Out those Tears on your Eyes

Wiping Out those Tears on your Eyes. When we cry and someone comforts us we feel like that they relieved those pain in our...
See the Goodness in Others

See the Goodness in Others

God instilled a treasure in every person. We should take time to acknowledge a person's good qualities, asking God to show the way He...

What Is Vedic Cooking?

Ayurveda, an ancient, holistic practice rooted historically in India, is guided by two main principles: The mind and the body are connected. The mind...
life goals, personal goals, goals in life, future goals, examples of goals bucket list and bucket list ideas

The Greatest list of Bucket List Ideas Ever

If you don't live the days of your life achieving something whether it's a goal, plans, or dreams, chances are you spend most of...

How to Make Rebuilding Your Self Confidence A Priority

For many of us when we boil down why we aren’t showing up as boldly as we’d like it because we are afraid of...