Why Self-Compassion is Essential to Healing

There’s nothing wrong with us when we feel strong emotions like irritability or anger, in fact, says Tara Brach, they are primitive forms of...

Stop Chasing Happiness, and Let It Find You

Happiness is the thing that everyone wants to achieve. But our mistake as humans is chasing happiness instead of living life and letting happiness...

20 Positive Affirmations to Make You Feel Instantly Happy

Repeating positive phrases to yourself to stay happy seems like a strange activity. But positive affirmations can offset negative feelings and low self-esteem. So,...
The Art Of Turning Negative Into Positive Thoughts

The Art Of Turning Negative Into Positive Thoughts

Buddha described the human mind as being filled with monkeys, swinging from branch to branch, screeching and chattering nonstop. That’s why the mind is...

Discover the Joy of Doing Nothing

Zen teacher Pat Enkyo O’Hara teaches us the practice of Shikantaza. Doing nothing but sitting and breathing, we rest in flowing awareness beyond the...

5 Ways to Get Over Making Mistakes

“It’s easy to never make a mistake, when you are hiding yourself away from the possibility of making mistakes. It’s those who jump out...

How to Practice Dream Yoga

When you develop lucidity in your dreams, you develop lucidity in your life. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on the practice of dream yoga. We spend roughly...

Does Spirituality Have a Role in Managing Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders can have a crippling effect on quality of life, and with the number of sufferers on the rise – the Anxiety and...

Schools Are Starting To Offer Yoga Classes Instead Of After School...

For most of us, detention in school meant one whole hour of torture. We had to sit silently while the teacher-in-charge stared at us....

How to Practice Self-Observation (Prompts and Meditation)

Self-observation seems pretty basic and even a little mediocre or like some pedestrian psychological technique on the surface. But in my many years of exploring and walking...