15 Quotes to Help You Win Your Inner Spiritual War

Inner spiritual war happens when good and bad thoughts contradict one another. While it sounds like a religious term, the struggle may or may...

15 Ways to Cope with Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

Most people look forward to the future with hope and excitement. They think of all the things they want to do and places they...

The 3 Treasures of Taoism That Lead to a Happy Life

In Taoism, there are three qualities of life and self that Lao Tzu has called treasures. I’m not talking about jing, qi, and shen,...

Spiritual Meditation: 11 Ways to Enlighten Your Mind

Spiritual meditation is different from mainstream meditation in that it focuses on connecting with something greater and deeper than ourselves. Normal meditation – the kind you read about in...

Don’t Blame Your Mistakes On God

Ever heard someone who made a clearly bad choice say “I know God wanted me to do it, I don’t understand why it turned...

The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita, or “Song of the Lord”, is an ancient Sanskrit text that contains some of the most powerful teachings in the practice...

How Yoga Can Help You Live a Meaningful Life

“You don’t have to change the world or find your one true purpose to lead a meaningful life. A good life is a life...

20 Zen Quotes to Help You Feel More Peaceful

The philosophy of Zen Buddhism is that messages can be transmitted easily to people on the path to spiritual awakening. It doesn’t matter which...

Discover the Joy of Doing Nothing

Zen teacher Pat Enkyo O’Hara teaches us the practice of Shikantaza. Doing nothing but sitting and breathing, we rest in flowing awareness beyond the...

Is Happiness Really All Relative?

Happiness.... The most sought-after experience that human society is striving to achieve, is still an underestimated and untapped experience beyond the reach of the majority. ...