Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment. We have a tendency to exaggerate in our daily life. We exaggerate watching television, we hang out on social media...

Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea. The chamomile or chamomile is not only a good natural treatment to relieve stomach aches and indigestion, but also...

Science Explains What Happens to Your Body if You Drink Cardamom...

Cultures worldwide have used cardamom for centuries to treat illnesses and flavor dishes. The spice comes from the seeds of several plants in the...

Is Palm Oil Bad For You? Nutrition Facts, Sustainability & How...

There are a lot of controversial oils out there (we're looking at you, canola oil), but palm oil takes a lot of heat. Many...

Researchers Connect Drinking Cola to Cognitive Decline

A new study involving rats links drinking cola to oxidative stress and memory impairment. Researchers from the University of Southern Santa Catarina in Brazil...

6 Facts About the Food-Mood Connection

Next to water and air, food is the most necessary thing in our lives. But beyond its status as a necessity, food can be...

10 Ways Drinking Alcohol Harms Your Mental Health

Drinking alcohol is a coping skill used by many to help ease their emotional pain. Though it has a depressive effect and sedates the...

Does drinking coffee help you live longer?

Is it safe to guzzle coffee all day for this goal? Americans drink an estimated 517 million cups of coffee every day, according to the...

Edible Flowers Brighten Your Plate and Expand Your Palate

Flowers aren’t just for pots and vases, but plates too! Curious chefs and home cooks have extended familiar menus to incorporate newer flavors like...

Four Top Reasons to Love Watermelon

The ultimate summer fruit is ripe for the picking when it comes to a wealth of health benefits. More than just a refreshing dessert...