Schools Are Starting To Offer Yoga Classes Instead Of After School...

For most of us, detention in school meant one whole hour of torture. We had to sit silently while the teacher-in-charge stared at us....

The Hidden Meaning of All Your Dreams

In these turbulent times, many people report having more dreams. If you let them pass by without taking the time to recall and consider...

The Value of Eating with Gratitude

Many people in the western world have a complicated relationship with food. Millions of people are overweight or obese, which puts them at an...

From Feeling Worthless to Realizing You Are Enough

“It is not that you are worthless, it is just that you have forgotten how much you are actually Worth. Since you can no longer...

Scientists Reveal How Attention Training Can Fix Negative Emotions

Without training, most humans are quite bad at paying attention. So, do you want to prove this to yourself? All you need to do is sit...

How to Stop Living Life on Autopilot

Life on autopilot. We’ve all been there. All those days when you feel like you’re just reliving “yesterday” over and over again. Wake up,...

On Learning to Understand the Real Meaning of Life

A majority of us wander around questioning and wondering what is the real meaning of life as we all seek the same one thing...

You Are Not Alone

“You are not alone on this path you are now walking – you never were and never will be. And even though at times,...

Break Your Bad Mood in Three Minutes

Elisha Goldstein looks at how we can reduce ruminating thoughts and restore self-confidence. We all have bad days every once in a while, but sometimes...

Five Essential Elements to Develop Your Mindfulness Practice

Sometimes, all we need is a simple road map to get us started with mindfulness—or restarted, if it’s been some time since we practiced. Science...