A Tribute To A Baker

A Tribute To A Baker

  A Tribute To A Baker “HUUP…ONE, HUUP…TWO, HUUP…THREE…”Those melodious orders sounded like the commands of a tough marine drill sergeant. However, in reality, the man’s name...

The BASICS of Mindful Eating

How often do you sit down to eat with no screens and when you’re not on the move? Lynn Rossy shares how slowing down...

Feeling Your Way Through Life

Whether you are aware of it or not, your feelings have an enormous influence on your every choice and experience. Learn how to tap...
Time Management Is Life Management

Time Management Is Life Management

Time is the most precious gift. Time is what we most wanted, but we just spend worst. Manage your time right, because time flies....

5 Reasons to Embrace the Body You Have

I will never forget the wife who told me that she dressed in her closet rather than let her husband see her body. I...

How The 7 Chakra Colors Can Help You Feel & Heal

Chakras are the body's energy centers. The main seven chakras run up the spinal cord—beginning at the base of the spine and ending at...

On Learning to Understand the Real Meaning of Life

A majority of us wander around questioning and wondering what is the real meaning of life as we all seek the same one thing...
We are Not Perfect

We are Not Perfect

Got have not created us to be perfect. We may have weaknesses. We may be weak in some aspects and great in some. Just up...

9 Reasons You Should Never Ignore Your Gut Instinct

Have you ever felt a firm but seemingly illogical pull in your heart or your stomach towards a particular option, decision, or action? Commonly...

Psychology Reveals the Causes of Claustrophobia

The dictionary defines claustrophobia as having an extreme or irrational fear when it comes to confined spaces. 2019 statistics estimate that this particular phobia impacts...