Higher Self: 11 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

What is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is your True Nature: it is your wise, unconditionally loving, creative, Whole, and eternal inner Center.Deep down, we...

Why Self Care Is the Best Medicine for Managing Stress

Self-care is the best medicine for managing stress. Indeed, it may be the only medicine for managing stress. Stress builds up as you move...

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon, a spice derived from the bark of the cinnamon tree, has maintained its popularity for thousands of years. This valuable spice originated in...
10 Meditation Tips for Ambitious People

10 Meditation Tips for Ambitious People

Ambition is a marvelous trait to have! Ambitious people can liven up a room with their determination and excitement. They are usually the ones...

Yoga offers a mindful boost to business

Research in the International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets has looked at the impact of yoga on the skill set and well-being of...

How Yoga Can Help You Live a Meaningful Life

“You don’t have to change the world or find your one true purpose to lead a meaningful life. A good life is a life...

Why Self-Compassion is Essential to Healing

There’s nothing wrong with us when we feel strong emotions like irritability or anger, in fact, says Tara Brach, they are primitive forms of...

Make Your Weakness a Strength

It is hard to accept a weakness whether it's physical or not. This boy has never considered being handicapped as a weakness. This is a...

9 Easy Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved

When it comes to relationships, making your boyfriend feel special is like adding some extra sparkle to your connection. It’s all about the small...

Are You Dealing With Stress – 5 Ways To Help You...

Managing your stress all alone? You could definitely use a little help. Don't take stress, depression, anxiety, restlessness, and sleeplessness lightly. These are not...