What Is Vedic Cooking?

Ayurveda, an ancient, holistic practice rooted historically in India, is guided by two main principles: The mind and the body are connected. The mind...

6 Pathways to Remove Negative Energy from Your Mind and Body

One of the Buddha’s foundational teachings is that life contains suffering. You could just as easily say that life contains negativity, as it...

Soul Guidance: How to Let Your Soul Lead Your Way into...

“The soul faithfully comes to our aid through dreams, deep emotion, love, the quiet voice of guidance, synchronicities, revelations, hunches, and visions, and at...
Love Yourself

The 6 Essentials for Cultivating Self-Love

There's been tons of buzz this year about self-care which is great, but taking a hot bath or scheduling a manicure isn't going to...

20 Positive Affirmations to Make You Feel Instantly Happy

Repeating positive phrases to yourself to stay happy seems like a strange activity. But positive affirmations can offset negative feelings and low self-esteem. So,...

27 Inspiring Yoga Quotes on Balance

Finding and establishing balance in a yoga pose or in your life is a constant struggle and journey. Balance isn’t about perfection—it’s about seeing...
Things To Know Befor Running Your First 5k

Things To Know Before Running Your First 5k

It’s easy to sign up for a race. But as the race-day approaches, most first-timers start regretting why they signed up. Well, I’m here...
Great Lessons You Can Learn From Life

Great Lessons You Can Learn From Life

Can you step back from your own mind for a little while and realize that life is not as bad as you think it...

Why Dining Together Is Good for Your Family’s Health

Almost ten years ago, my family made eating dinner together a priority. My life felt crazy busy at the time as I juggled work,...
Foggy Brain Causes And Treatment

Foggy Brain Causes And Treatment

Do you ever feel periodically confused and forgetful? Do you have periods when you simply cannot focus and all your thoughts seem a little...