The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita, or “Song of the Lord”, is an ancient Sanskrit text that contains some of the most powerful teachings in the practice...

Your Favorite Meditation of the Year

Tonglen meditation, or “sending and taking,” is an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion. With each in-breath, we take in others’ pain. With each...

More Yokes for More Folks

The Buddha told a famous story about a blind turtle and a golden yoke to illustrate how rare the chance to discover the dharma...

Story – Help Others and Never Be Greedy

Once upon a time, there were two brothers. They were going from village to village searching for happiness. One day, while seeking happiness, they...

Avatar The Movie – Similarities With Hindu Teachings – Symbols And...

In the Hollywood movie Avatar, it is not just the term ‘Avatar’ that is associated with Hinduism. The core concept of Hinduism is that...

Happiness in Every Breath

When we stop feeding our cravings, says Thich Nhat Hanh, we discover that we already have everything we need to be happy. The human mind...

The 3 Treasures of Taoism That Lead to a Happy Life

In Taoism, there are three qualities of life and self that Lao Tzu has called treasures. I’m not talking about jing, qi, and shen,...
education personal growth

How Does Education Enhance Your Personal Growth and Development?

Education encompasses knowledge acquisition and is a vital catalyst for personal growth and development. It exceeds the concept of just learning what is written...

5 Things You Should Know About Spirit Guides

If you’re remotely interested in psychic development, sooner or later someone will mention spirit guides. A friend might talk about being told or “given”...

The 12 Laws Of Karma: What Are They & Why Do...

If you've ever heard the expressions, "What goes around comes around," or "You reap what you sow," you already know a little something about...