Atikaya in Ramayana – Son of Ravana Mandodari

Atikaya was the son of Ravana and Mandodari. He was the younger brother of Indrajit. Atikaya was extremely powerful. He was a great devotee of...
Stop Doubting Yourself

Stop Doubting Yourself! Live A Brilliant, Awesome Life And Get Rich

Stop Doubting Yourself Coming up off the beach, dripping wet, surfboard in hand, adrenaline pumping after getting tubed (in the little green room). That is surfer lingo...
Develop An Abundance Mindset

Develop An Abundance Mindset

It is certainly no secret that mindset can radically affect the course of your life. Overwhelming research on mindset shows that the way you...
High school

High School Memories that you’ll Treasure

High school may be annoying, awkward and irritating, but admit it you're going to miss it when it ends. They all said that high...
Be kind to one another

Be kind to one another

Be kind to one another. This is a true story that will remind us to be kind to all people. To be a giving...
quit drinking alcohol

What Are The things That People Realize When They Quit Drinking...

Of all the culturally conditioned behaviors we’ve mindlessly adopted, alcoholism is one of the most curious. We know it is highly detrimental to personal...
Give and you shall receive

Give and you shall receive

Always remember to give. Have a helping hand. Give and you shall receive Once again, I had run away and really do not know why....
Take Responsibility For Your Life

Take Responsibility For Your Life

Take Responsibility For Your Life In this story, you will learn that you need to take responsibility for your life. Don't blame anyone or anything for...

Understanding The Process Of Birth, Life And Death

Is the universe in the process of expanding life or deteriorating death? Everything in the 3 dimensional universe is governed by fixed laws. Duality is...
Exploring by Yourself

Exploring by Yourself

Adventures are amazing. Discovering many things around you and exploring by yourself in one of the memorable experience you'll ever have. As you travel along...