Spiritual but Not Religious? Why Spiritual Wellness Does Not Depend on...

What was on your New Year resolution list as 2020 arrived? Exercise more? Eat better? Lose weight? Travel? Sure – but would it surprise...

Is There a Heaven for Animals?

I sometimes say animals are closer to God than humans. They are closer to the source. Humans are more lost in mind forms. Being...

Higher Self: 11 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

What is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is your True Nature: it is your wise, unconditionally loving, creative, Whole, and eternal inner Center.Deep down, we...

What Happens Spiritually When You Sleep With Someone

You may think that sleep with someone and spirituality have nothing to do with each other. Still, if you understand the relationship between the...
10 Meditation Tips for Ambitious People

10 Meditation Tips for Ambitious People

Ambition is a marvelous trait to have! Ambitious people can liven up a room with their determination and excitement. They are usually the ones...

5 Different Forms of Spiritual Ascension: Which Have You Experienced?

For the first time in history, we have access to a mammoth and unprecedented amount of information. While this freedom to learn brings countless opportunities...

Robot Priests – A Blessing or a Curse for Mankind’s Spirituality?

Have you met Mindar? He, she or it is a remarkable android – a robot priest, reciting sermons and teaching its congregation the basics...

Spiritual experiences cannot be described in words – Swami Sivananda

Spiritual experiences cannot be described in words. Language is imperfect. They are to be felt and realised by the aspirants. Experiences vary. A devotee,...

Importance Of Mantra In Tantrism

In the tantric system, mantra plays an important role. It is true that in the Vedic system also mantra has an equally important role....

The Metaphysics of Self Power

Discover the building blocks of Self Power and refuse to be the victim. The Metaphysical Aspects of Self Power Power is a broad reference to the...