You Don’t Need to Be Rich to Travel as a Student
Many people think you can only travel if you are rich or when you retire and collect money enough to go on a long...
Spending The Holidays Alone This Year? 5 Joyful Ways To Celebrate
While it may be an overstated sentiment, this year has been unprecedented, and the holiday season will be no exception. To avoid large gatherings...
11 Tips for Forgiving Yourself When Regret Gets the Best of...
You know that knotted feeling that’s partly in your stomach, partly in your chest, and partly in a location you just can’t name? The...
7 Ways to Find Happiness (Without Changing Your Life)
Walk into any bookstore, and you’ll probably have no trouble finding a plethora of books about the ways to find happiness. However, with so...
Music as Medicine: What’s Your Recommended Daily Dose?
Humans have a complex relationship with music. It’s very clear to most of us from personal experience that music can make us feel happy,...
20 Positive Affirmations to Make You Feel Instantly Happy
Repeating positive phrases to yourself to stay happy seems like a strange activity. But positive affirmations can offset negative feelings and low self-esteem. So,...
Is There a Heaven for Animals?
I sometimes say animals are closer to God than humans. They are closer to the source. Humans are more lost in mind forms. Being...
Pets and Their Spiritual Impact on Our Lives
The connection we share with our pets can be intense and powerful. Ask anyone who has or has ever had a dear furbaby, and...
How to be happy – Don’t Worry, Be Happy
How to be happy – introduction Is your life passing you by? Are you so focused on your dreams that you are forgetting to enjoy...
Woman Transforms Her Birthmark Into Beautiful Art
Woman Transforms Birthmark If life has taught us anything it’s that when we get lemons we must make lemonade. 24 year old Paige Lauren Billiot...