Should You Practice Yoga When Sick?

The winter months are synonymous with the flu season, stuffy noses, sore throats, and nasal congestion. Yet, it’s possible that your immune system fails...

Understanding the Flow of Prana (Life-Force Energy)

The foundation of all life, of the whole universe, is the subtle life force energy that yogis call prana. You can’t see it, or...

Visualization Meditation: Types, Techniques and Tips

What do you see when you meditate? Perhaps your answer is a resounding “nothing!”–and this is perfectly okay. However, even though a state of...

27 Inspiring Yoga Quotes on Balance

Finding and establishing balance in a yoga pose or in your life is a constant struggle and journey. Balance isn’t about perfection—it’s about seeing...

There’s a Lot of Yoga Out There — How Do You...

The benefits of yoga are backed by science: It can improve sleep, reduce stress, promote healthy eating habits, improve balance, and more. But much like...

Yoga For Improving Memory and Concentration

Intelligence, memory, and concentration are human traits that are highly valued and sought after. There are various yogic techniques that stimulate the brain and...

5 Reasons Yoga Is Great for Men

The notion that yoga is only for women is as outdated and incorrect as the idea that yoga is easy. Nothing could be farther...

Schools Are Starting To Offer Yoga Classes Instead Of After School...

For most of us, detention in school meant one whole hour of torture. We had to sit silently while the teacher-in-charge stared at us....

5 Yoga Poses Which Can Improve Digestion

The word yoga means that it is a combined form of mind and body practice. Yoga is of different types and discipline must be...

Partner Yoga: Tips, Benefits and Best Poses

Yoga has traditionally been an individual and solitary practice. Yet in the path of the householder yogi, we find ourselves in relationship with many...