How to Preserve Your Spiritual Energy During Sex

As a whole, our society has become pretty good at becoming energetically aware and emotionally accountable. We have learned how to balance protecting our...

What Is Karma and Is Your Destiny Sealed?

One of the most interesting concepts that we all stumble across in our lives sooner or later is that of “karma.” In fact, karma...

3 Aphrodisiac Herbs To Enhance Romance

If I asked you what the single most important organ is when it comes to sexual well-being, what would you say? Considering that simply smelling...

Should I have children? Why society’s idealization of motherhood benefits no...

Mothers - and non-mothers. Our language creates the lie that being with a child is the norm. Words like “childless” or “childless” firmly define...

This Is Why You Should Keep Your Relationship Off Social Media

Welcome to the time when everyone likes to share everything online. But, have you ever thought about why it might be better to keep...

11 Phrases To Express Love Without Saying ‘I Love You’

Saying ILY is a big deal. It’s not always easy to mutter those words because they feel so serious. Luckily, there are other phrases...

18 Quotes to Look Forward to a More Positive Life

Looking forward to your future requires focusing on creating a positive life. Positivity can make a difference in your journey, keeping you motivated and...

Celibacy In Hinduism

Celibacy, or the practice of abstaining from sexual activity, is a concept that has various interpretations and applications within Hinduism. Hinduism is a diverse...

16 Hidden Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Here are some things that may stop your weight loss. Losing weight can be frustrating, especially when you’re putting in the effort but not seeing...

How Many Friends Do You Really Need In Your Life?

When it comes to friendships, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many friends you should have. It’s a highly individual matter...