9 Types Of Intimacy And How To Become A Pro At...

Many of us judge the quality of our relationships by the level of intimacy and how close we feel to our partners. Intimacy helps...

‘Ecosexuals’ Think That Having Sex With Planet Earth Will Help Save...

When it comes to saving the planet, many of us are trying to do as much as we can to help out. We bring...

Yep, Orgasmic Yoga Is a Thing and I Went to See...

I’ve been to my fair share of yoga classes. Vinyasa, power, Hatha, Bikram, Buti, Kundalini… the list goes on. But when I was invited...

10 Mistakes Couples Make In Long Term Relationships And How To Avoid...

Is a great partnership in the 21st century possible? Have you ever wondered why your relationships did not end on a positive note? What went...

Do open relationships really work?

Open relationships typically describe couples in which the partners have agreed on sexual activity with someone other than their primary romantic partner, while maintaining...

Want To Amp Up Your Love Life? Keep These 13 Crystals...

If you're privy to the wide world of crystals, you're probably aware that certain ones are considered best for different things. In the case...
couple bed

How Effective Are Modern Contraceptive Methods?

As anyone who has had a sex ed class knows, the most effective method of contraception is abstinence. This is the only method that...

5 Reasons to Embrace the Body You Have

I will never forget the wife who told me that she dressed in her closet rather than let her husband see her body. I...

Can you be close without sex? Healthy intimate relationships vary but...

Intimate relationships are similar in some ways, but different in others. Some intimate relationships are more sexual and powered by a lot of physical...

Celibacy In Hinduism

Celibacy, or the practice of abstaining from sexual activity, is a concept that has various interpretations and applications within Hinduism. Hinduism is a diverse...