Loving-Kindness Meditations Make People Happier, Study Says

Meditation is intended to bring peace and clarity to the people who practice it. For the anxious mind, though, meditation can often become a...

Practicing Self-Compassion Can Boost Your Mental Health

New research looks into how mindfulness and compassion-focused therapy can help treat depression, anxiety and stress. Most American adults will experience stress, anxiety or depression...

Experience the Truth of No Self

When we see ourselves as separate, we’re limited, says Rebecca Bradshaw. In experiencing the truth of nonself, we free our hearts and minds. What is...

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana meditation is a logical process of mental purification and training through self-observation. Vipassana is one of Hinduism’s most ancient meditation techniques. It aims...

How to Meet Loss and Pain Without Fear

By practicing compassion we can open the heart to the universality of the human condition with clarity, allowing us to respond to difficulty...

What Is Body Scan Meditation and How Can It Help You...

When you’re feeling stressed, it’s helpful to pay attention to your body because it helps ground you. There are many types of meditation to try, but...

How to Practice Self-Observation (Prompts and Meditation)

Self-observation seems pretty basic and even a little mediocre or like some pedestrian psychological technique on the surface. But in my many years of exploring and walking...

How Meditation Supports Health and Healing

Studies show that mindfulness is ultimately an effective, low-cost way to manage (and maybe even improve) physical and mental health and well-being. Meditation is an...