How The 7 Chakra Colors Can Help You Feel & Heal

Chakras are the body's energy centers. The main seven chakras run up the spinal cord—beginning at the base of the spine and ending at...

Turn Negative Emotions into Your Greatest Source of Strength

Elisha Goldstein on using mindfulness to avoid getting stuck in negative moments. I always say if there’s anything we’re assured of in life besides death...

Try a Self-Compassion Break

A sense of interconnectedness is central to self-compassion. It’s recognizing that all humans are flawed works-in-progress, that everyone fails, makes mistakes, and experiences hardship...

How to Practice Dream Yoga

When you develop lucidity in your dreams, you develop lucidity in your life. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on the practice of dream yoga. We spend roughly...

Activate Your Intuitive Gifts With This Ancient Healing Technique

You've heard of intuition, and you've probably also heard of reiki, but you may have never considered how these two things can work together....

Bija Mantras: Definition, Types and Benefits

Chanting Bija mantras is a quick yet powerful way to connect deeply to the vibrational energy of our bodies and the universe. Chanting these...

Visualization Meditation: Types, Techniques and Tips

What do you see when you meditate? Perhaps your answer is a resounding “nothing!”–and this is perfectly okay. However, even though a state of...

How to Practice Self-Observation (Prompts and Meditation)

Self-observation seems pretty basic and even a little mediocre or like some pedestrian psychological technique on the surface. But in my many years of exploring and walking...
lotus meditation

How To Improve Your Spiritual Experience In This Lifetime?

In times like these, a person on their journey to spiritual ascension may wonder about their role in the culmination of present-day events. While...
The Art Of Turning Negative Into Positive Thoughts

The Art Of Turning Negative Into Positive Thoughts

Buddha described the human mind as being filled with monkeys, swinging from branch to branch, screeching and chattering nonstop. That’s why the mind is...