Your Favorite Meditation of the Year

Tonglen meditation, or “sending and taking,” is an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion. With each in-breath, we take in others’ pain. With each...

Activate Your Intuitive Gifts With This Ancient Healing Technique

You've heard of intuition, and you've probably also heard of reiki, but you may have never considered how these two things can work together....
girl skin

Incredible Ways To Pamper Your Body, Mind, And Spirit

Adulting can be challenging. From paying bills to securing a bright future, there’s a lot going on. But amidst juggling professional and personal responsibilities,...

I Started Meditating With My Fiancé, and I Swear It’s Making...

It was one of those mornings - our alarm didn't go off, I had a throbbing headache, the dog had an accident on the...

How an indoor fountain can help you relax

The soothing sound of burbling water is one of the simplest ways to bring a sense of calm to any space. You may have wondered...

5 Ways To Enjoy The Power of Nature (Even When You...

We all take our doses of mother nature in different ways. Some of us can only unwind in the shadow of giant mountains. For...

How To Cleanse Your Aura (& When You Should), According To...

While we may not be able to see people's auras, or our own for that matter, many people have an intuitive sense of when...

Here’s What Happens When You Meditate 100 Days In a Row

By now, it’s obvious to pretty much everyone who subscribes to the Power of Positivity that meditation practice produces at least some benefits to...

Discover the Joy of Doing Nothing

Zen teacher Pat Enkyo O’Hara teaches us the practice of Shikantaza. Doing nothing but sitting and breathing, we rest in flowing awareness beyond the...

The Voice Inside Your Head: Dealing with Incessant Thought-Chatter

When did the voice inside your head start talking? I became aware of mine at about the age of 15. Up till that point,...