20 Quotes to Read When You Need an Emotional Cleanse

There will be times in your life when you feel like you need an emotional cleanse. When you face problems or struggle emotionally, it...
How To Find The Right Mentor For You

How To Find The Right Mentor For You

Mentors can be consultants, counselors, or even gurus. In a world filled with people who have diverse passions, skills, and goals, how do you...

How The 7 Chakra Colors Can Help You Feel & Heal

Chakras are the body's energy centers. The main seven chakras run up the spinal cord—beginning at the base of the spine and ending at...
Two Tricks for Would-Be Meditators

Two Tricks for Would-Be Meditators

Meditators Tricks I’ve carved out time and space in my home for Meditators Tricks. But, I still find it so easy to avoid it! Are...

Psychologists Explain 12 Reasons Why Positive Self-Talk Improves Mental Health

Anyone active in wellbeing circles has probably heard of the concept of a positive affirmation or positive self-talk. This refers to the use of...

10 Terrific Benefits of a Morning Meditation Practice

If you feel like the day has already peaked by the time you’ve gotten out of bed, you’re not alone. It’s easy to feel...

How This Trippy Breathing Technique Is Used To Explore The Subconscious

To an outsider, that room in Costa Rica probably looked like the scene of a midday slumber party. Half of our group of 16...
self compassion, optimal hea

Is Self-Compassion the Recipe For Optimal Health?

  Self compassion as said by Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, once said that “Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years...

Story – How Avadhuta Learned The Value of Concentration?

Success in any sphere of life is impossible without concentration. There are several stories in Hinduism extolling the importance of concentration. In this particular...

Study Suggest That Intellectually Humble People Possess Superior General Knowledge

In this internet age, knowledge is no longer something you cannot acquire. You don’t always have to go to a library or search for...