How To Trust Your Intuition Like A Psychic

How To Trust Your Intuition Like A Psychic

People often ask me how I gather the information I give to clients during psychic readings. The key is utilizing the four main avenues...

Rebound Relationships: Three Dangers of Getting Involved Too Soon

Relationships often end because our needs aren’t met and communication falls short for both people to feel loved enough. When we are left with...

20 Comebacks When Dealing with a Selfish Person

We all know a selfish person who makes everything about themself. Regardless of your intentions and actions, there is little you can do to...

18 Inspiring Quotes from Highly Successful People

Many successful people have learned how to stay motivated to reach their dreams. Their dreams differed, as did the methods they used to achieve...

Do You Feel Like People Ignore You? Here’s Why, According to...

Have you ever felt like people ignore you or don’t pay attention to what you have to say? This experience can be frustrating and...

Study says dads use bathroom to hide from their family —...

You’re not even going to believe this, but new research tells us that dads are spending time in the bathroom to avoid spending time...

15 Ways to Cope with Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

Most people look forward to the future with hope and excitement. They think of all the things they want to do and places they...

15 Motivating Success Quotes to Never Forget

Being successful takes hard work and determination. You might sometimes feel like you want to give up, and persevering is the only way around...

Five Mindful Books to Read Right Now

Find out what the Mindful editors are reading and listening to this season. 1. Mindful Movement in Psychotherapy How many movies or TV series have you...

5 signs of a toxic relationship

The first step to healing or leaving a toxic relationship is recognizing the signs and learning about the effects. In this article you will learn...