Raising Indigos: 8 Tips to Help Your Indigo Child Thrive
Indigos are children (and adults) with an expanded sensory perception. Their unique ability to “see through the veil” has often been either romanticized or...
The Best Ways To (Un)Intentionally Hurt A Man’s Ego
It’s no secret that men have egos and that as women, part of your job when dating one of us is either to coddle...
Rebound Relationships: Three Dangers of Getting Involved Too Soon
Relationships often end because our needs aren’t met and communication falls short for both people to feel loved enough. When we are left with...
Great Solutions On How To Deal With Social Anxiety
Everybody has felt slightly anxious or awkward feelings going into an event or social situation at some point. Perhaps we learn this uncomfortable feeling...
20 Comebacks When Dealing with a Selfish Person
We all know a selfish person who makes everything about themself. Regardless of your intentions and actions, there is little you can do to...
Depression Relapse Signs
Many people with depression will experience symptoms only once in their lives, but for others, major depression can be an ongoing battle with relapses...
Psychology Reveals the Causes of Claustrophobia
The dictionary defines claustrophobia as having an extreme or irrational fear when it comes to confined spaces.
2019 statistics estimate that this particular phobia impacts...
How To Trust Your Intuition Like A Psychic
People often ask me how I gather the information I give to clients during psychic readings. The key is utilizing the four main avenues...
Healthy Self or No Self?
Modern psychology encourages us to have a healthy sense of self, but Buddhism teaches that the self doesn’t even exist. Barry Magid says there’s...
Black Magic, Psychic Attacks, Entity Interferences and Shadow Projections
Recently, we had an interesting discussion on the Piercing the Veil of Reality forum about the interrelationship between black magic, psychic attacks, entity interferences,...