What is a relationship ‘boundary?’ And how do I have the...

Text messages showing actor Jonah Hill asking his ex-girlfriend Sarah Brady to consider a dot point list of relationship "boundaries" have sparked an important...

Study says dads use bathroom to hide from their family —...

You’re not even going to believe this, but new research tells us that dads are spending time in the bathroom to avoid spending time...

18 Inspiring Quotes from Highly Successful People

Many successful people have learned how to stay motivated to reach their dreams. Their dreams differed, as did the methods they used to achieve...

9 Reasons Why Most Men Are Afraid of Love

Everyone is afraid of love in some way, and most people have specific personal reasons for the fear. Fear of commitment can lead to...

Why We Talk to Ourselves: The Science of Your Internal Monologue

Some of us chatter to ourselves all day long while others’ inner lives take the form of pictures or, like Einstein, abstract visual concepts....

How This Trippy Breathing Technique Is Used To Explore The Subconscious

To an outsider, that room in Costa Rica probably looked like the scene of a midday slumber party. Half of our group of 16...

Researcher Explains What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Personality

You may not think twice about your favorite color, but it can reveal a lot about your personality. Of course, there’s much more to...

11 Phrases To Express Love Without Saying ‘I Love You’

Saying ILY is a big deal. It’s not always easy to mutter those words because they feel so serious. Luckily, there are other phrases...

15 Ways to Cope with Thanatophobia (Fear of Death)

Most people look forward to the future with hope and excitement. They think of all the things they want to do and places they...

Face Your Fears: How to Use Fear for Your Own Growth

“It is only when you face your fears and doubts that you could begin to discover some hidden extraordinary abilities in you.” ― Edmond...