Transforming Self-Comparison

Eda Ocak reflects on how meditation practice and the Buddha’s message of no-self transformed her habit of self-comparison. When I attended my first long meditation...

15 Motivating Success Quotes to Never Forget

Being successful takes hard work and determination. You might sometimes feel like you want to give up, and persevering is the only way around...

Quotes For Single Women To Live By

Sometimes it feels like being in a relationship is the natural state of things and anyone who chooses to be on their own is...

15 Inspiring Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship isn’t always easy, and sometimes you feel like giving up. Sometimes you’ll feel like you’re stuck and not making progress. In those instances,...
ask questions

The Power of Paying Attention When Asking Questions

It’s normal for people to not know what other people do in their professions, even family members, and friends don’t really talk about their...

6 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Make a Paradigm Shift

If you are in an emotional rut—cycling from fear, anger, anxiety, and sadness—you are not alone. Every human being on this planet has been...

Why You’re Ready For A Relationship When You Stop Looking For...

When we get older, the feeling of having a partner becomes more and more urgent. Aside from societal pressures, we feel the urge inside...

Does Spirituality Have a Role in Managing Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders can have a crippling effect on quality of life, and with the number of sufferers on the rise – the Anxiety and...

Dancing And Movement Therapy Could Help Treat Depression And Other Brain Diseases

When we are kids, we tend to be free. We don’t really care about what other people think about us and so, we take...

Your Drunk Self Is Your Truest Self, Science Says

Alcohol doesn’t always bring the best out of us, but does it reveal the truth about who we are? We say that our drunken...