The Uneasy Dialogue between Buddhism and Feminism

Jue Liang reviews Buddhist Feminisms and Femininities, edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. “Spy Story,” 2015 by Michela Martello. One summer night in 2018, I found myself...

7 Ways Past Life Karma Affects You (And How to Heal...

past life karma In religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, the concept of karma comes up quite frequently. They believe that our past actions influence...

How Does Buddhism Speak to Us Today: An Interview with Martin...

Stephen Batchelor talks to Buddhadharma deputy editor Koun Franz about the importance of study in Buddhist practice and the relevance of the Buddha’s teachings...

More Yokes for More Folks

The Buddha told a famous story about a blind turtle and a golden yoke to illustrate how rare the chance to discover the dharma...

Healthy Self or No Self?

Modern psychology encourages us to have a healthy sense of self, but Buddhism teaches that the self doesn’t even exist. Barry Magid says there’s...

Dasaratha Jataka – Buddhist Version Of Ramayana

Dasaratha Jataka is the name of the Buddhist version of Ramayana. It tells the story of Rama. It names Rama as Rama Pandita and...

Karma and Bhakti

Karma means action, work or deed.  In simple terms, If a person does good things in his life, we can say he has done...

Happiness in Every Breath

When we stop feeding our cravings, says Thich Nhat Hanh, we discover that we already have everything we need to be happy. The human mind...

Endless Lifetimes, Endless Benefit

From the Summer 2005 issue of Buddhadharma, Bethany Saltman talks with Tenzin Palmo about rebirth, merit, and the bodhisattva vow. Venerable Tenzin Palmo is best known as...

You Are Already Dying

The most profound meditation, says Joan Halifax, is contemplating the certainty of your own death.  How many people who will die today even know that...