How The World Will Come To An End? – As Per...

The world will come to an end when there will be complete rule of adharma on earth. When Dharma disappears from earth, the world...

What Miscarriage Taught Me About Love and Impermanence

Atia Sattar shares her account of the suffering of miscarriage and what it taught her about love, generosity, and impermanence. I am standing on the...

Dharma for a Traumatized World

The cause of our global suffering is forgetting that we belong to one another and to the earth. Tara Brach recommends four practices to...

Avatar The Movie – Similarities With Hindu Teachings – Symbols And...

In the Hollywood movie Avatar, it is not just the term ‘Avatar’ that is associated with Hinduism. The core concept of Hinduism is that...

How To Cleanse Your Aura (& When You Should), According To...

While we may not be able to see people's auras, or our own for that matter, many people have an intuitive sense of when...

Why is Christmas celebrated on Dec. 25?

Today, many (but not all) Christians celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25. But given that the birth date of Jesus Christ is not known with...

The 12 Laws Of Karma: What Are They & Why Do...

If you've ever heard the expressions, "What goes around comes around," or "You reap what you sow," you already know a little something about...

Pray For Your Marriage BEFORE All Else Fails

I don’t talk nearly enough about prayer here. I think some of us see prayer as what you do when everything else has failed....

48 Bhagavad Gita Quotes that Will Open Your Eyes to What...

The Bhagavad Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata, dated to the second half of the first millennium...

What Is The Meaning Of 440 Angel Number

The 440 angel number means your guardian angels support your aspirations. It teaches us that everything has a reason, even if we don't know...