When Spirituality and Diet Culture Collide

In this commentary from non-diet dietician Jenna Hollenstein, she shares why we need to stop battling our basic biology as a means to overcome...

5 Adjustments to Make When Changing to a Vegan Lifestyle

Have you decided to become a vegan? Whether your reason was for animal kindness, better health, or both, it’s a life-altering choice. It also...
organic foods

Organic, Fresh Produce For A Healthier Home-Cooked Meals

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is good for the body. That is why everybody is encouraged to make it a point to have fresh...

The Best Ways To Improve The Shelf Life Of Your Cannabis-Infused...

According to a recent report by the National Institutes of Health, Americans have been using cannabis-infused snacks to deal with their potential ailments for...


Have you heard of Delta 8 THC? It is one of the most popular cannabis-related products on the market right now. Along with buying...

Here Are 5 Science-Backed Ways to Make Your Microbiome Healthier in...

It's common for people to focus on their health at the start of the year. But few consider the well being of the microbes that...

Soothe the Angry Gut Gods with These 5 Beverages

Happy gut, happy life. That’s how the saying goes, right? Ok, no one actually says that — but turns out there’s quite a bit of truth...

A Guide To Intuitive Eating: Benefits, Practice & Principles

Have you heard of intuitive eating? It's a food philosophy that puts you in charge of what to eat and when to eat it....

12 Omega 3 Foods to Improve Mental Health and Relieve Anxiety

If you know anything about nutrition, you know that numerous reports are floating around regarding the power of omega-3 foods. They’re well known for...

How Probiotics Can Be Good for Your Brain

Your body is home to roughly 40 trillion bacteria, most of which reside in your gut and don't cause any health problems. In fact, scientists...