Self-Portraits as Therapy: The Healing Potential of Photographing Yourself

While I may have publicly used the term ‘self-portrait therapy’ before, I have never spoken about the vulnerable origins of my self-portraits. When I started...

Sore Throat Chakra? Here Are 10 Ways to Find Some Healing...

If you’ve ever popped into a yoga class, you’ve probably heard about chakras — focal points in the body that have connections to certain...

Why You Should Ditch Sugar in Favor of Honey

While honey and sugar share similar degrees of sweetness, the differences in the way our bodies respond to them are profound. Technically, honey and sugar...

The Science Of Sound As Medicine

One of the most promising developments in the field of medicine and science can be found in what some may consider to be an...

Can Facial Acupuncture Ease Fine Lines & Wrinkles? Here’s The 101

There’s a wide variety of services you can receive in the name of skin care—facials of all kinds, in-office procedures, and the list goes...

Suffering from Headaches? Your Mouth Could be the Culprit!

Suffering with regular headaches can be a serious drain on your mood, concentration and your happiness. A headache can range in severity from uncomfortable and...

Dancing And Movement Therapy Could Help Treat Depression And Other Brain Diseases

When we are kids, we tend to be free. We don’t really care about what other people think about us and so, we take...

Mantra 101: Definition, Types, Benefits and Powers

We typically think yoga is a physical practice that involves various poses and breathing techniques. Did you know that the mindful repetition of a...
ankle sprain

Tips To Manage Recurring Ankle Sprains

An ankle sprain is basically an injury to the ligaments. Ligaments are tough but flexible tissues that connect two bones, and if the two...

Why Should All Chronic Pain Patients Give Green Vein Indo A...

One of the most well-known varieties of the medical plant kratom is Super Green Indo Kratom, which comes in different hues. Because it has...