Why Self-Compassion is Essential to Healing

There’s nothing wrong with us when we feel strong emotions like irritability or anger, in fact, says Tara Brach, they are primitive forms of...
fall asleep

How to Fall Asleep Fast: 3 Efficient Ways to Deal With...

In recent years, insomnia has become the most common sleep disorder. More than 30 percent of the world’s adult population is dealing with short-term...

20 Zen Quotes to Help You Feel More Peaceful

The philosophy of Zen Buddhism is that messages can be transmitted easily to people on the path to spiritual awakening. It doesn’t matter which...
woman sleep

Sleep your Way to Better Health with these Exemplary Foods

Lack of sleep is a pressing issue for many adults in DC today. Amidst the hustles and bustles of modern life, adults are finding...

Lemon Water 101: What You Need to Know

Lemon water has become a bit of a fad in the health and fitness realm with claims of helping to aid weight loss and...
ankle sprain

Tips To Manage Recurring Ankle Sprains

An ankle sprain is basically an injury to the ligaments. Ligaments are tough but flexible tissues that connect two bones, and if the two...
scalp rejuvenation

Benefits Of Pep Factor On Hair Loss And Scalp Rejuvenation

There is a reason why we consider our hair our crowning glory, not only because it is on the top of our head but...
non surgical rhinoplasty

5-Minute Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

Many years ago, if you wanted to have a smaller, smoother, or straighter nose, you had no other option but to have rhinoplasty. Surgery...
relax mind

An Easy Guide to Relaxing Your Mind is Here!

A sense of peace and calmness is an essential source to fight back with the chaos of life. In this highly competitive world, it’s common...

10 wild theories about the universe

Why is the universe the way it is? Over the years, scientists have explored many ideas to explain our cosmos and its future. Here...